Thursday, March 12, 2020

World Obesity Day - More than 13.5 Cr Indians suffering from Obesity

India is the third most Obese nation with more than 13.5 Cr people suffering from Obesity. Obesity is linked to many other commodities such as heart disease, hypertension, sleep apnea, type 2 diabetes mellitus, infertility and PCOD and so on. Obesity affects the overall quality of life of an individual as well as the productivity of a workforce.

Obesity has been associated with an increase in all-cause mortality rates. According to reports, this disease which has reached epidemic proportions reduces life expectancy by 9 years in women and 12 years in men.

On the occasion of World Obesity Day –March 4, 2020, Bangalore Bariatric club and Realize, a patient awareness digital initiative of Johnson and Johnson Private Limited, has organized an interactive press meet to spread awareness about Obesity and its life-threatening impact on overall health of an individual. Realize has been at the forefront of the multi-city #IndiaFightsObesity campaign in an effort to spread awareness about this epidemic that plagues our country.

The event will bring together leading experts from the field of bariatrics and wellness. The keynote speakers for this conference are India’s leading Obesity experts Dr. Shivaram H V, Dr. Moinoddin G and Dr. Sumit Talwar. They will share insights on the growing epidemic of Obesity in India and some of the treatment options.

Key Messages from the event –
Obesity is a disease which needs treatment by an Obesity specialist/expert.

Govt is very serious about tackling this epidemic through Ayushman Bharat and #FitIndiaMovement.

In a major relief for those suffering from obesity-related comorbidities, insurance cover is now provided for obesity treatment as per medical advice. Insurance will cover medically advised treatment as per new IRDAI regulation effective October 2020

Urgent need for steps to counter rampant misinformation about obesity & its treatment

Surgery is one of the proven options for 40+ BMI and 35+ BMI with comorbidities.

Stigma associated with Obesity leads to patients not seeking the right treatment and psychological impacts that includes blaming themselves for the condition

Quotes from KOLs –

Dr. Shivaram H V: Obesity has become a “growing and disturbing health crisis”.

It is the fastest emerging life-risking disease and the mother of all other ailments. The 2019 Lancet Commission report has warned that obesity is the first amongst the three biggest threat to humanity (the other two being under- nutrition and global warming) yet there is no concrete action plan to stop this monster. The global surveys, research and studies have all observed that our physical activity is constantly on the decline whereas the mental activity and stress is continuously on the rise. The food intake is on the rise with abundant calories but there is no provision to burn the excess calories in the body. It is possible only by physical activity. Once obesity sets in all the organs of our body need to overwork and finally, they fail giving rise to diseases.

To save mankind from this disaster called OBESITY there is an urgent need to invent ANTI-OBESITY VACCINE, and the government and professional bodies need to work together to achieve this.

Dr. Moinoddin G: The adverse effects of obesity on women's health is overwhelming and indisputable.

Obesity in young women has seen steep increase in trend, 1 in 10 adolescent girls and young women in India are suffering from Polycystic ovarian disease, leading to many related issues such as delay in menstrual cycle or no menses and hirsutism features. Weight reduction can help these young women in reversing the health issues to a great extent. If they are slightly overweight, they can go ahead with diet and life style Modifications and exercise but if their BMI goes above 32.5 then we have key hole surgery option for treating their obesity and related issues.

Dr. Sumit Talwar: People who are obese are at high risk of developing diabetes.

He strongly points out that Obesity and diabetes are closely related. Shockingly, 25% of obese people are diabetics compared to 5% of the general population. There is strong and consistent evidence that losing weight can delay progression from prediabetes to type 2 diabetes and is beneficial in the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

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