Thursday, May 24, 2012

TPL: Contest For The Tech Prowess IT Heads

Are you a IT head eager to demonstrate your prowess in technology. Then here is a contest just for you...
The Technology Premier League 2012 is a Inter-corporate Team challenge jointly developed by ITNEXT and The CTO Forum.
The contest will involve 20 corporate IT teams in each city -- Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore. Each 4-member corporate team will be supported by the CIO (or IT head of the organization), The CIO will play the role of a coach & captain, and will guide and advise the 4-member team during the contest.

The contest will be held over two days in an off-site location in these three cities. Each team will be given a complex business problem—and will need to create a comprehensive IT solution.

Here is what you can win:* 1st Prize - Trip to Las Vegas (air fare + hotel) for the entire team
* 2nd Prize - Local weekend getaway (hotel stay) for entire team
* 3rd prize: Corporate Utility Gift for entire team
* Team 4 & 5: Gift vouchers for entire team

The event is scheduled to be held at:Delhi - 26th & 27th May'12
Mumbai -2nd & 3rd June'12
Bangalore - 16th & 17th June'12

All you need to do is to register in the link below:

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