Monday, May 30, 2022

Manipal Academy of Higher Education Organizes PhD Conclave-2022

The conclave was organized by the MAHE-Student Research Forum (MSRF) and Centre for Doctoral Studies (CDS)

30th May 2022, Bengaluru: The MAHE-Student Research Forum (MSRF) and Centre for Doctoral Studies (CDS) under the aegis of the Directorate of Research (DoR), MAHE organized an academic event ‘PhD Conclave -2022’ for final year Ph.D. scholars on 27th and 28th May 2022. PhD conclave is a competition which will provide platform for PhD scholars who are consistent in their research performance to showcase and communicate their ongoing research activities and research outcomes in a crisp and effective way. By doing so, these scholars will inspire other research scholars to perform better. In addition, the event facilitated interaction among PhD scholars, researchers and faculty members of other Institutions promoting exchange of ideas and innovations.

The inaugural ceremony was held on 27th May 2022 at Sharada Hall, Manipal College of Health Professions, MAHE. Dr. Vasudha Devi, Deputy Director, Centre for Doctoral Studies, Directorate of Research, MAHE provided an overview of the event and welcomed the gathering. The program was inaugurated by honourable Lt. (Gen) Dr. M.D. Venkatesh, Vice-Chancellor, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE). Dr. Satish Rao, Director-Research, MAHE was present during inaugural ceremony. Ms. Megha Nataraj, PhD Scholar, General Secretary of MSRF and the event convenor rendered vote of thanks. More than 150 members comprising the Heads of Institutions (HOIs), Functional heads, Heads of Department (HOD), Faculty & Staff, Ph.D. scholars and other attendees were present.

During the inaugural function of the PhD Conclave, Lt. (Gen) Dr. M. D. Venkatesh, Vice-Chancellor, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) said “In the last 70 years, MAHE has been at the forefront in research-related activities. Further, in the last 2 years, MAHE has been encouraging high-quality research of social impact through research funding, research incentives and scholarships. Research shouldn’t be seen just as an academic option, but rather as a career option. For a country to progress, research must happen for the creation of knowledge, creation of new services, and new ideas and discoveries. MAHE has been adding research output at a rate of 16% to 20%. However, MAHE is striving to increase it many folds. This is possible by the contributions from the major cohort of people who comprise mainly Ph.D. Candidates. We encourage the scholars to cross the limits, publish more, write more, and do more IPR-based activities and collaboration-based activities. MAHE aspires to be in the top 500 universities in next few years. Therefore, it requires a collective effort and contribution from Ph.D. scholars, their supervisors and PhD coordinators”

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