Thursday, June 6, 2019

Adani Solar Top PVEL Performer for Second Consecutive Year

Mundra Solar PV Limited (Adani Solar) received the Top Performer title for the second consecutive year for its high efficiency products by PVEL – the world’s largest resource of independent energy experts.

PVEL published its fifth annual PV Module Reliability Scorecard report, the most comprehensive publicly available comparison of PV module reliability test results. Results of the 2019 PV Module Product Qualification Program has rated Adani Solar for its high efficient products that passed rigorous tests for quality checks.

For 2019, global Solar Installations is expected to cross the 120 GW mark. Growth in increased installations are driven by higher efficiency PV modules with new materials projecting higher returns and lower LCOE (Levelised cost of energy). The new high efficiency PV modules such as PERC and PERT Technologies do not come with significant track records and hence a reliability and durability testing demonstrating the lifetime warranty of the modules and its technology is vital.

The annual PV Module Reliability Scorecard reports the results of PVEL's PV Module Product Qualification Program (PQP).  Adani Solar has a capacity of 1.2 GW with a mix of Multi, Mono-PERC, Bifacial PV Modules and has its factory located in Mundra SEZ, Gujarat, India. It is noteworthy that Adani Solar is the only Indian BNEF Tier-1 Manufacturer with an in-house cell and Module capacity with a top performer award at PVEL PQP Program.

Ramesh Nair, Chief Executive Officer of Mundra Solar PV Limited (Adani Solar) commented, “PVEL's PV Module Reliability Scorecard is an invaluable tool that developers and lender’s engineers use to ensure that projects are built with reliable and durable products that would perform as expected. We at Adani Solar will continue to allocate more resources towards innovating new and high efficiency solar technologies and their application to the market. We will continue to provide the most reliable and high efficiency products through stringent test procedures for material selection and continual in-house Reliability Tests, which have also enabled us to create benchmarks for ourselves.”

He further stated “Developers and investors should always be aware that not all manufacturers have their modules tested for quality and reliability. Procuring unevaluated modules could have major ramifications for their projects. Adani Solar is a committed manufacturer, with state of the art facility with best industry practices ensuring superior performance and reliability of its products”.

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