Thursday, May 5, 2022

MIT-Manipal-MAHE, India, Awarded With IMC RBNQ Milestone Merit National Quality Award For Leadership

The Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT), Manipal has received the prestigious IMC Ramkrishna Bajaj National Quality Award (IMC-RBNQA) in the Leadership Category. The Milestone Merit National Quality Award for Leadership accorded to MIT-Manipal-MAHE is the recognition given for the pivotal role of the top leadership of MAHE and MIT-Manipal in steering MIT-Manipal to achieve greater heights in the journey of performance par excellence.

The chief guest for the event Mr Harsh Mariwala -Chairman-Marico Ltd., & CMD, Kaya Ltd., presented the award to Cdr. (Dr.) Anil Rana, Director, MIT-Manipal, in the presence of Mr Niraj R Bajaj Director, Bajaj Auto Ltd., & Chairman-IMC RBNQ Award Trust, Mr Suresh Lulla, Co-chairman, IMC Quality, Juzar Khorakiwala, President, IMC Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Anant Singhania, President (Elect) and Ms Maya, Director, IMC-RBNQA. Dr K Sivian, Former Chairman of ISRO, the recipient of IMC Juran Quality Medal 2021.

Speaking of MIT’s achievement Dr Ranjan Pai, President – MAHE & Chairman, MEMG, Bengaluru said “Manipal Institute of Technology has always focused and worked towards providing quality education facilities for the overall development of students. We are extremely honoured to be given this prestigious award. I congratulate the entire MIT family for their dedication and efforts which has made this possible”

Dr HS Ballal Pro-Chancellor of MAHE said “Established in 1957, MIT Manipal to this day remains one of the top institutions in the country and a crown jewel for MAHE. The leadership and faculty have enhanced the proficiency of the students through continuous training and development. MIT has also continuously worked for the betterment of the society and is an example for other institutions to inculcate the same values”

Lt Gen (Dr) MD Venkatesh, Vice-Chancellor of MAHE said “MIT has not only focused on academics, but also encourages the spirit of entrepreneurship amongst its students. There is a continual effort to raise the standards when it comes to education and social service. This award is truly well deserved, and we wish the staff and the students all the very best for their future endeavours”

Cdr ( Dr) Anil Rana, Director, MIT expressed his happiness and said “It was a great honour to receive the prestigious IMC Ramkrishna Bajaj National Quality Award (IMC-RBNQA) in the Leadership Category, on behalf of MIT-Manipal, in the Leadership Category Mumbai on 30th April 2022. MIT-Manipal has been bestowed with this honour for its excellence in academic and research quality, focusing on overall student development, concern for the environment and safety, community service, and human resource management.  The unique model that ensures experiential learning by the students and the whole-hearted support for their innovation and entrepreneurial pursuits is something that sets apart MIT-Manipal from all others.

The honour was greatly enhanced by the presence of the former ISRO Chairman Dr K Sivan who shared the same platform with me and received the prestigious Dr Juran quality medal.

The Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT), Manipal was established in 1957 as one of the first self-financing engineering colleges in the country. In 2000, it became a constituent institute of the deemed university - Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) which has been accorded the status of Institute of Eminence (IoE) by HRD, Government of India.

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