Monday, August 2, 2021

Aviva India Launches Aviva Fortune Plus Across The Country

 * A one-of-a-kind unit linked insurance plan that returns at least 100% of the charges paid during the policy term, at maturity~

Aviva Life Insurance, India’s most trusted private insurance company, announced the launch of Aviva Fortune Plus, a Unit Linked Insurance Plan which is designed to offer dual benefits on investment: - wealth creation and insurance. The plan offers seven fund options and allows flexibility to the customers to adapt the policy basis their needs to provide life insurance cover and enhances wealth with the opportunity to grow one’s savings.

Aviva Fortune Plus offers an exciting feature of returning at least 100% of the charges paid by a customer during the policy term, at maturity. The plan also allows customers to choose the policy term, premium paying term, and the premium amount and design their plan as per their needs to get the maximum benefit. Another feature is that customers can extend the coverage by 5 to 10 years beyond the original maturity date. In addition, customers get an additional protection against Accidental Death, and the plan offers the flexibility of partial withdrawals, free switches, and premium redirections to manage their investments.

Mr. Amit Malik, CEO and MD, Aviva Life Insurance said, “The ongoing pandemic has taught us that the only thing certain about life is that it is uncertain. While we cannot predict the future, we can certainly prepare for it. At Aviva, we are driven by our purpose of With You Today, For a Better Tomorrow. Our focus is to ensure that our customers feel confident in their decision to safeguard their loved ones’ future. Keeping this in mind, we’ve launched Aviva Fortune Plus, a life insurance plan that makes money multitask, it not only provides life insurance cover but also returns the charges at maturity to further enhance our customers’ wealth.”

He further added “Fortune Plus is a response to investors’ growing affinity towards long-term returns, flexibility, and the benefit of life insurance cover. With this launch, our aim is to provide multiple benefits with one plan, wealth creation and financial security, with added convenience, and I’m sure this will help our customers build a sound corpus for meeting all their financial goals.”

Some Key Features of Aviva Fortune Plus are:

·         Return of Charges (Premium Allocation; Mortality for base policy life cover & Policy Administration Charges; excluding fund management charges, charges for riders and taxes): At maturity, customers  get back at least 100% of these charges which get deducted during the policy term

·         Opt for Additional Protection (on payment of additional risk charges) with

a) Accidental Death Benefit (Optional Cover)

b) Waiver of Premium (Optional Cover)

Extend Life Cover: Extend policy term by 5 or 10 years

·         Multiple Fund Options: One can choose from 7 unit linked funds as per risk appetite

·         Top-up Premium Option: ‘Top-up’ premium by paying extra towards policy

·         Easy Withdrawal Options: With Partial Withdrawal & Systematic Partial Withdrawal options customers can customize withdrawal as per their needs

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