Thursday, December 8, 2022

WGSHA Celebrated Annual Awards Day Ceremony 2022

Welcomgroup Graduate School of Hotel Administration (WAGSHA), a constituent unit of Manipal Academy of Higher Education celebrated its annual day awards ceremony on 6th December 2022. The event was held at Fortune Value view lawn, Manipal.

Principal Dr. Chef K Thirugnanasambantham welcomed and escorted the chief guest Mr Sanjay Bose, Executive Vice President - Human Resources and Learning & Development · ITC Hotels along and Mr. Anil Chadha the Divisional Chief Executive of ITC's Hotels business, an alumnus of WGSHA. He also invited Vice-Chancellor. Lt. Gen. Dr M D Venkatesh, Pro-Vice Chancellor- Technical, MAHE, Dr Narayan Sabhahit, and other dignitaries to the stage to pay homage to the late Dr. T.M Pai. Later, Chef Thirugnanasambantham addressed the gathering and delivered the annual report 2022 and the achievements of the WGSHA students. He also added that WGSHA is one of the best hotel schools in the country and is recognized with a 46th international ranking in the world magazine.

This glorious event was delayed for 3 years in aftermath of the Pandemic 2020. The program was commenced by invoking blessings from God Almighty with a devotion song and music service performed by the faculty members and students.

Principal Dr. Chef K Thirugnanasambantham said, “WGSHA is one of the best hotel schools in the country and recognized with 46th international ranking in the world magazine. Students have brought laurels by bagging awards in many competitions academic and co-curricular activities, to mention a few, a Medallion award in the World skill competition held at Lucerne 2022 and a runner-up award in the Korean Culinary Challenge competition conducted by Korean Ministry. To conclude I am stunned to see this generation grow swiftly”

As a token of appreciation and recognition, WGSHA presented the ITC chairman gold medal awards to the best all-around graduating students. Rushali Mahesh (31st-course BHM), Lavanya R Raja (32nd-course BHM), Sanjukta Chakravarthi (33rd-course BHM), and Melroy Sylvester Barboza (7th-course BACA), Raghavi Bajaj (8th-course BACA) and Ruul Bose (9th-course BACA) were the recipients.  The university toppers, Tanchi Emson Lee (7th-course BACA), Divya Sarah Varghese (8th-course BACA), and Sai Motupali Nair (9th-course BACA) were among the recipients of the prestigious award. Chief guests Mr Sanjay Bose and Mr. Anil Chadha presented the gold medal awards, followed by the ITC scholarship awards presented by Lt. Gen. Dr M D Venkatesh.

Vice-chancellor Dr. MD Venkatesh appreciated WGSHA for its excellence in education and research, for launching two new postgraduate programs and being active participants in various national and international competitions, and for bringing pride to MAHE. He wished for faculty members and students and promised to support WGSHA in its development. Chief guest, Mr. Sanjay Bose appreciated WGSHA’s glorious achievements and its outstanding accolades in the hotel industry. He appreciated WGSHA for giving the students platform to showcase their talents and encouraged the WGSHA students to take up internships at ITC and other branded hotels around the Globe.

WGSHA proudly presents the exemplary honor of the ITC leadership award 2022 to Mr. Anil Chada for his stupendous achievements in the hotel industry the award was presented by Dr. H S Ballal, Pro-Chancellor, MAHE, Dr MD Venkatesh, Vice Chancellor, MAHE, Ms Vasanthi R Pai, Trustee MAHE Trust and Mr. Sanjay Bose, Executive Vice President, ITC hotels. The proud alumnus Mr. Anil Chadda was felicitated at the event and extended his profound gratitude to WGSHA for honoring him with the distinguished alumnus award. He shared the tremendous journey with WGSHA and its fruitful impact on his career life. He quoted ‘You must live your dream and to do that you must have a dream and follow it diligently’ and Vice principal P Raj Shekhar proposed the vote of thanks.  WGSHA concluded the event by hosting a cultural fest and an extravagant feast prepared by the students and faculties members under the guidance of Chef Thiru and his team. At the end of the event, WGSHA was delighted to receive constant and enthusiastic feedback from the parents and students.

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