Friday, December 9, 2022

Aniket, Father Of A 1-Year-Old Son, Needs An Urgent Stem Cell Donation To Survive

* Aniket is suffering from blood cancer and a stem cell transplant from a matching donor is his only hope now. His cancer relapsed even after 5 rounds of chemotherapy 

* DKMS-BMST has organized a virtual blood stem cell donor registration drive to find a matching donor to save Aniket’s life 

Diagnosed with leukemia, a type of blood cancer, Aniket is urgently waiting to find a matching blood stem cell donor. His only hope for survival is a blood stem cell donation from a person who matches his HLA (human leukocyte antigen) type. Aniket belongs to Karnataka, India, and is currently working in Germany and settled with his wife and a 1-year-old son.  

Spoorthy, Aniket’s wife who is striving hard to save him, says, “Last year we were blessed with a baby boy and were happy. But unfortunately, just after a few months, during a routine check-up, Aniket was diagnosed with blood cancer, turning our happy lives upside down. Every day, he is fighting bravely with a hope in his heart to see his son grow up. We are all desperately hoping for him to find his lifesaver soon.” 

DKMS BMST Foundation India, a non-profit organization dedicated to the fight against blood cancer and blood disorders is coordinating the search for a matching donor for Aniket. To reach out to people across India, DKMS-BMST has launched a virtual drive where one can register online to be a potential lifesaver and save patients like Aniket. Link to register: 

“Blood cancer accounts for 8% of all new cases of cancer diagnosed in India and is one of the leading causes of death in the country. For patients diagnosed with blood cancer and other blood related life-threatening disorders, a blood stem cell transplant from a matching donor may be their best chance at survival. We encourage more Indians to register as potential stem cell donors and raise hope for patients like Aniket,” says Patrick Paul, CEO, DKMS BMST Foundation India.  

Aniket originally hails from North Karnataka, India, and since a match is more likely when the donor and patient are of the same ethnicity, hopefully more Indians would come forward and register as potential donors.  

What is the registration process? 

People who are interested and fit the eligibility criteria can register at: 

All it takes is five minutes of your time and a simple 3 step process:  

Step 1: Visit the site, fill up an online form and you will receive a DIY swab kit at home.  

Step 2: Once you receive the swab kit, fill out the consent form and take a tissue sample from the inside of your cheeks with 3 cotton swabs provided in the kit.  

Step 3: Send back your swab sample in the pre-paid envelope provided. 

DKMS laboratory will then analyze your tissue type and your details will be available in the global search for blood stem cell donors. If you do come up as a match for a patient, DKMS-BMST will get in touch with you. After a medical check-up, your blood stem cells will be obtained from the bloodstream using a process called Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Collection, which is similar to a blood platelet donation wherein only your stem cells are taken. This is a safe, non-surgical outpatient process. 

About DKMS BMST Foundation India 

A non-profit organization dedicated to the fight against blood cancer and other blood disorders, such as thalassemia and aplastic anemia. Our aim is to improve the situation of patients suffering from blood cancer and other blood disorders in India and throughout the world, by raising awareness about blood stem cell transplantation and registering potential blood stem cell donors. By doing this DKMS-BMST provides patients in need of a blood stem cell transplant with a second chance at life.  

DKMS-BMST is a joint venture of two reputed non-profit organizations: BMST (Bangalore Medical Services Trust) and DKMS, one of the largest international blood stem cell donor centers in the world. For more information, visit 

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