Saturday, August 6, 2022

Safety Sarathy: A Traffic Awareness And Road Safety Drive Conducted In Bengaluru

~Powered by ReadyAssist, ISBR’s youth take to the streets to spread road safety awareness in collaboration with LetsTagOn~

To remind citizens of road etiquette, Safety Sarathy, a traffic awareness and road safety drive was conducted across 11 junctions in Bengaluru on Saturday morning, 6th August. In collaboration with industry partner and thought leader ReadyAssist and implementation partner LetsTagOn Foundation, students from International School of Business & Research (ISBR Business School) marched from Traffic Management Center, Infantry Road to Chinnaswamy Stadium rallying for road safety.

With about 150,000 Indians losing their lives to road accidents every year, Safety Sarathy emphasized on lane discipline, safety precautions and pedestrian safety. Positioned at 11 traffic signals across the city, student volunteers sensitized 2-wheeler riders and 4-wheeler drivers plying the roads with curated IEC material. Expert guidance was provided to students by experienced road safety volunteers across the designated signals.

Vimal Singh, Founder & CEO of ReadyAssist opines, “Safety Sarathy resonates closely with ReadyAssist’s ethos. Encouraging citizens to make conscious efforts in maintaining road etiquette is a much needed intervention and the ReadyAssist team is humbled to collaborate with partners like LetsTagOn. The sheer quantum of participation by ISBR youth is commendable and I hope more people join this cause.”

To push out this key message, the Bangalore Traffic Police also lent their support towards this cause, encouraging students to keep up the prosocial activities and further drive road safety awareness among the locals. 

Dr. Manish Kothari, President of ISBR Group of Institutions, shares, “We at ISBR give a lot of importance to sensitizing students on various social issues on a continual basis. I am very glad this year to collaborate with stakeholders like LetsTagOn, ReadyAssist along with the support of ACP and the traffic management of Bangalore city, for starting this road safety and traffic awareness program at 11 different junctions. I am sure this move will go a long way in creating awareness among students and the general public. I wish all the best to our students and also other partners of this initiative.”

Social Entrepreneur & Founder of LetsTagOn, Chetana Koulagi, adds, “LetsTagOn’s core mission is to foster social responsibility and community engagement. With growing mobility and vehicular traffic, road safety continues to be a serious concern. This drive is a small step towards engaging youth in local issues and nurturing active citizenship.”

For more information about the event -

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