Saturday, June 6, 2020

Message from Anil Chaudhry, Managing Director and Zone President of Schneider Electric India

I am delighted to welcome you to this very first issue of our monthly newsletter. Through this platform, I would like to share some inspiring stories and developments at Schneider Electric, with you.

The world is moving towards a change which is likely to be permanent. A digitised future, paving the way for transformation of economies and industries, is one of them. The recent crisis has acted as a catalyst to accelerate our process of digitisation. This has led us to see how successfully we could redefine the way we work, interact and conduct our business. From digitising the workforce to adopting strategies that will help accelerate business processes and productivity—we are going through a complete paradigm shift today, and seeing its benefits at the same time.

While the going has been tough a rapid scaling up in our digitisation has allowed us to identify and activate the opportunities which this crisis has thrown up. Our workforce too has been able to readily scale up digitally to address these business opportunities. Going forward we are looking at putting a robust digital roadmap in place, to ensure business continuity and provide our continued support to you through this time and beyond.

This period also taught us some critical lessons. One of the most important was a mindset, to acknowledge, and take the situation head on. While we keep our focus on health and safety, it is important for us to acknowledge that we need to also simultaneously focus on business stability and growth. We represent access to energy and digitisation for our customers and we need to refocus on building an energy efficient world for them. Here’s a safety handbook we have created, you could refer to it for protection during this time.

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