Monday, August 26, 2019

Amrita University Holds Hackathon at its Bengaluru Campus

FACE (Forum for Aspiring Computer Engineers), Department of CSE, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Bangalore recently held a full-scale Hackathon event. 47 teams with 173 students from Bangalore, Amritapuri and Coimbatore campuses participated in the event.

The hackathon, in association with Honeywell Technologies aims at providing a platform for the undergraduate student community to gather, collaborate and develop effective solutions to common real world challenges.

A team from Honeywell explained the problem statements to the participants after which the hackathon officially commenced. Participants began to work on problems from the domain of their choice. The top ten teams shortlisted had to present their models.

The winners of the event were announced. Rahul N Kamath, Nivetha Saravanan and Srikanth Srivenkata from the Bangalore Campus bagged the first prize of Rs 60,000/-. The second, third and the consolation prizes of Rs 40,000 Rs 20,000 and Rs 15,000 respectively were bagged by students from Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore.

The Chief Guests for the event were Mr SreejiKumar, Senior Director HTS Global engineering and Technology and Ms Meena Prasad, the University Relations Manager at Honeywell.

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