Monday, August 5, 2024

Orientation Program At MSAP, MAHE, Manipal, Held On July 26, 2024

The Orientation Program held at Manipal School of Architecture and Planning (MSAP), MAHE, Manipal, on July 26th 2024, was a resounding success. The institute warmly welcomed the newly enrolled students. The event aimed to acquaint students with the institution's culture, values, and academic offerings, laying a strong foundation for their educational journey.

Dr. Nandineni Rama Devi, Director of MSAP, delivered a heartfelt welcome address. Dr. Narayana Sabhahit, Pro Vice Chancellor - Technology & Science, MAHE, Manipal was the Chief Guest and Ar. Siddharth Sankar, Partner at Sankar & Associates, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, an alumnus of MSAP was the Guest of Honour for the event. They shared their experiences motivating the new students towards pursuit of excellence

Dr. Geetha Maiya, Director of Student Affairs, and Col. Vinod Bhasker, Chief Warden of MIT Hostels, assured the students of a strong support system and comfortable hostel facilities, ensuring their experience at MSAP feels like a "home away from home.

Dr. Pradeep Kini, Joint Director, MSAP,  Prof. Sanghamitra Roy, Associate Director, Academics and Examination, MSAP, Dr. Veena Rao, Head of the Department of Design, MSAP acknowledged the faculty's support and the student’s coordination, who contributed to the seamless functioning of the event. Prof. Sonali Walimbe extended sincere appreciation to all individuals who wholeheartedly contributed to the success of the program.

The event was attended by parents, students, faculty, and student volunteers. It set a positive and exciting tone for the incoming students to start their academic journey  at MSAP with determination and vigour.

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