Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Teach For India Invites Applications For The 2025 Fellowship Program

* An exceptional opportunity to transform classrooms and Lead With Love

* The deadline to apply for the 2025 Teach For India Fellowship is 1st September, 2024 

Teach For India, an organization working towards educational equity for children has invited applications for its 2025 Fellowship. The deadline for applying is 1st September, 2024.

The Teach For India Fellowship is a two-year, full-time paid Fellowship program that empowers passionate individuals to become leaders and change makers in the education sector. Over 640 fellows have joined the 2024 Cohort, making it a strong proof point for the program's growing influence and impact in the ed-equity movement.

The Fellowship application process is highly selective and receives applications from India's brightest and most promising individuals. The selected Fellows go through a rigorous training program where they are motivated and challenged to comprehend the education system from its grassroots level.

The unique aspect about the Teach For India Fellowship is the opportunity to bring about a transformative change in the existing education paradigm. It also gives them insights into various aspects of leadership, problem solving and facing real life challenges that can be a game changer in their overall professional growth.

About Teach For India: 

Teach For India is a nationwide movement of leaders, working towards the vision of ensuring that every child in India receives an excellent education. Driven by the belief that meaningful change happens when we cultivate a collective force of leaders, Teach For India envisions an India free of poverty and filled with love, our leaders choose education as the path to get there. Over the next decade, the organization aspires to build a movement of 50,000 leaders. They will work collectively, with love, to transform the lives of 1 in 10 children from low-income communities in and beyond Teach For India’s regions. Through its flagship 2-year Fellowship Program, Teach For India places India’s brightest young minds in the most under-resourced classrooms in the country, providing aspiring leaders with the support and ecosystem that they need in order to manifest change at all levels of the Indian education system. Today, 1000 Fellows teach 34,000 students directly in classrooms across eight cities. Over 4500 Alumni have gone on to establish or co-create more than 130 social impact organisations, and are able to consistently impact 50 million children across India.

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