Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Tinder Introduces Passions: A New Way to Express Yourself on Tinder

Tinder introduces ‘Passions', a new way to express yourself on Tinder.  Passions, which can be added by editing your profile, help members share more about themselves more easily.

Tinder members can connect and talk more easily when they share the same experiences, interests and hobbies. ‘Passions’ has been introduced on Tinder to help members share more about themselves effortlessly. This feature allows members to select a maximum of 5 Passions and minimum of 3 Passions, so you don’t have to choose between Biryani or Maggi, because Tinder knows it's near impossible to choose.

“With Passions, we’re excited to give our members an easy way to connect with their potential matches by highlighting their interests. We hope that these will lead to more connections and spark conversations during a time when many of us are craving a change in routine and someone new to talk to” added a Tinder spokesperson. 

Here’s how it works. 

Open Tinder and tap the profile icon 

Tap the pencil icon by your profile photo 

Scroll down and select “Passions”

Select Passions to add to your profile. **Note**: You can select a maximum of 5 Passions, but you need a minimum of 3

Tap “Done” to save your changes

About Tinder

Tinder was introduced on a college campus in 2012 and is the world’s most popular app for meeting new people. It has been downloaded more than 340 million times and is available in 190 countries and 40+ languages. Tinder has 6.2 million subscribers and is the highest-grossing non-gaming app globally.

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