Saturday, March 9, 2019

Bangalore Toastmasters Club Celebrates Womens Day at Loyola Hall

Bangalore Toastmasters Club (BTMC) celebrated women’s day at their meeting held on 8th March 2019. The program was organized at Loyola Hall at St. Marks Road in Bangalore.

Toastmasters International is a non-profit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of clubs. Headquartered in Englewood, Colo., the organization's membership exceeds 357,000 in more than 16,600 clubs in 143 countries. Since 1924, Toastmasters International has helped people from diverse backgrounds become more confident speakers, communicators, and leaders.

Bangalore Toastmasters Club is the second oldest club in India and was founded in 1997. The club is the largest in the nation with over 90 members and meet every Friday from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at Aashirwad Center, next to MTR Restaurant, St.Mark's Road, Bangalore.

The meeting was led by TM Deepika Das Pereira, the Vice President – Public Relations of the Club. They had special invitee distinguished Toastmasters (DTM) Gauri Seshadri who is currently Regional 13 Advisor and was the first woman Director of District 92 as the General Evaluator. Speaking on the sidelines of the event, she said “There is no better way to improve and hone your communication and leadership skills than in a fun and safe environment like Bangalore Toastmasters Club – the largest Toastmasters Club in India.”

DTM Sumithra Manamohan who was the first female Distinguished Toastmaster in Bangalore, the first woman president of BTMC and the first public relations officer at the district 92 was also present at the event. She further added “True empowerment is when women enjoy freedom of speech. Bangalore Toastmasters Club, an equal opportunity club was seen in its true glory today when all women’s meeting was held to celebrate International Women’s Day. The male members, not to be left behind, were given their chance to speak their mind on women related issues. It was truly a memorable meeting.”

Speaking on the ocassion, TM Melvyn Smith, the President of BTMC said “Our club is well known in the Toastmaster circles and it lived up to its name for having yet another meeting which will be remembered for a long time! I was delighted with the large turnout and positive buzz. Our VP-PR, Deepika Das pulled off yet another meeting in style as the compere. Her eloquence is wow and energy infectious. All role takers were women who inspired and reignited our belief in women power.”

TM Rita Saldanha Das welcomed the gathering. TM Neha Singh, TM Ankita Mehta, TM Deepti Varma and TM Zarine George delivered their prepared speeches, while TM Smitha Roshy, TM Theresa Madtha, TM Vanitha R and DTM Sumitra Manamohan evaluated the speeches. TM Dikshita Mehta was the Table Topics Master for the evening.

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