Monday, December 2, 2024

The Sustainable Action For Climate And Health Initiative

The Sustainable Action for Climate and Health Initiative, USAID Mission, and ARTIST for Her  are organizing a transformative Workshop on Advancing Climate Resilient Healthcare: Pathways for Private Healthcare Facilities   on Thursday, December 5, 2024 in Bengaluru. This event will convene healthcare leaders, policymakers, and experts to address critical issues in sustainability and health equity, focusing on the unique challenges and opportunities for private healthcare facilities in adapting to climate change. Attendees will explore innovative tools like the "Menu of Interventions" to enhance climate resilience, reduce environmental impacts, and improve patient outcomes, alongside strategies for fostering public-private collaboration. 

Renowned speakers such as Dr. Hema Divakar, CEO of ARTIST for Her. The other key contributions include Dr. Reuben Swamickan, Deputy Director of USAID Mission, and representatives from the BBMP and  Department of Health and Family Welfare, GOK will discuss government-supported sustainable healthcare initiatives. This workshop is poised to be a pivotal step in advancing climate resilience in the health sector.

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