Monday, August 17, 2020

Manipal Hospitals Salutes Mamtaz Begum’s Unflinching Approach in Fighting Covid19

As India celebrates its 74 years of Independence on August 15, as a patient centric organization, Manipal Hospitals will showcase its patriotism in a responsible way. Manipal Hospitals Old Airport Road will grace this occasion along with its COVID warriors who are fighting to get freedom from the invisible enemy.

Ms. Mamtaz Begum from Manipal Hospitals Nursing team is a real COVID Warrior and recognizing her valiant efforts, the hospital has given her the privilege to hoist the flag along with all other COVID warriors and the management team. 

Ms. Mamtaz Begum is a living proof of a responsible and sensible citizen. She is a frontline warrior with 26 years of experience. She has gone through tough times in her life as well as during this pandemic.

Ms. Begum was a student of Manipal and started her career at Manipal Hospitals Old Airport Road. Her personal journey started when she fell in love with a Muslim boy and was trying to convince her parents. Fortunately, her parents have agreed and she married her love of life in 1996 and changed her name as well. Her life took a complete twist in 2016 when she was diagnosed with high Creatinine. The news came as a shock to everyone in her family as both her renals were damaged.

Dr. Viswanath S, HOD & Consultant - Nephrology, Transplant Physician, Manipal Hospitals Old Airport Road advised her that she had to undergo renal transplant. Mamtaz has had an immense support from Manipal Hospitals financially as well as professionally. Her husband and her two sons stood like a pillar during this journey. Her renal transplant done at Manipal Hospitals, Salem was successful and she was recuperating well. She was aware of the plight of her health conditions; yet continued to lead a cheerful life by staying positive.

Destiny had something else in store and life took a U-turn once again in her life during these unprecedented times. She was serving all the vulnerable amongst us and performing her duty professionally as a Nurse. She was diagnosed as a COVID Positive and her family was shattered as she also had underlying disease.

Mamtaz once again stood the test of times and fought this battle positively and came out as a COVID SURVIVOR.

Mr. Deepak Venugopalan, Regional COO, Bengaluru & TNN Cluster, MHEPL said, “Colleagues like Mamtaz are a huge inspiration for all of us. They put their duty and patients before themselves. Glad that she got her independence from Covid and who better than her to hoist the flag on 15th August.”

She would like to thank Manipal Hospital’s entire Management for being with her during all odd times and giving her moral support. Her mantra in life is to stay strong and to be positive for any tough battle. She has joined back her duty and has stepped up to help others, putting the country’s needs before everything else, even her family members.

Ms. Mamtaz Begum has stood tall against all odds and is indeed a great role model for others to follow.


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