Monday, July 29, 2019

India’s First Multi-Venue, Mega-Science Exhibition ‘Vigyan Samagam’ Begins in Bengaluru

Bringing the world’s major Mega-Science projects together, India’s first-ever, multi-venue mega-science Exhibition, ‘Vigyan Samagam’, was inaugurated today in Bengaluru at the iconic Visvesvaraya Industrial and Technological Museum (VITM). Eminent scientist Dr Anil Kakodkar, Member of Atomic Energy Commission and Chairman of Rajiv Gandhi Science and Technology Commission, Mumbai, inaugurated the Vigyan Samagam at Bengaluru. The exhibition will continue at VITM till September 28, 2019.

This multi-venue Science Exhibition is covering four cities - Mumbai, Bengaluru, Kolkata and New Delhi and has come to Bengaluru in its second edition. The exhibition, in its 11-month long run, was flagged-off from Mumbai in May 2019.

The Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Department of Science and Technology (DST), the coordinating and funding agencies to these projects and the National Council of Science Museums (NCSM), Ministry of Culture, having expertise in design and hosting such exhibition, have jointly organized this prestigious Science Exhibition.

Inaugurating Vigyan Samagam, Dr Anil Kakodkar, the chief guest of the inaugural function, expressed his pleasure at the organisation of the event and said, “In order to spread the awareness of the role such mega-science projects play in furthering human understanding at a global level and benefiting national scientific and technological capability and to catalyse engagement of more students, researchers and industry, it is absolutely necessary to highlight the value and impact of such programs to a broad cross-section of society. Vigyan Samagam is a unique endeavour towards the cause and has brought mega-science a step closer to the society.”

Former Secretary DST and Director NIAS, Prof. V. S. Ramamurthy delivered the Keynote Address at the inauguration of Vigyan Samagam at Bengaluru. Speaking on the occasion, Prof. Ramamurthy said, “In the recent decades, India has demonstrated unequivocally that it has the scientific and technological capabilities to contribute to mega-science collaborations and the political willingness to commit the required resource. I am confident that Vigyan Samagam will attract the attention of every one to appreciate the challenge of carrying out research at the frontiers and encourage some of the students to opt for careers in research.”

As hosts of this mega-science Exhibition, Shri Ranajit Kumar, Head of Nuclear Controls and Planning Wing (NCPW), DAE and Chairman, Apex Committee, Vigyan Samagam; Dr. Praveer Asthana, Head of Mega-Science and INSPIRE Divisions, Department of Science and Technology (DST); and Shri Madan Gopal, Director of the Visvesvaraya Industrial and Technological Museum were present on the occasion.

On the occasion, Prof. Ashutosh Sharma, Secretary DST, addressed the august gathering through video conference and conveyed his best wishes for the success of Vigyan Samagam at Bengaluru. He appreciated the untiring and synergistic efforts of the team behind this mega-science event, which has been very successful in generating interest and attraction for science in our youth on a large scale.

Shri Shivaprasad M Khened on behalf of National Council of Science Museums participated in the event and explained the importance of the exhibition. He said that Vigyan Samgam exhibition has been able to portray the role of India in world science and the contributions of Indian Scientists in various international projects.  He also explained the activities of National Council of Science Museums in popularising science through both indoor and outdoor activities reaching out to the unreached.

On this occasion, an industrial exposition showcasing the products and services of the Indian industry engaged with the participating mega-science projects was also inaugurated.

The three organisers – DAE, DST and NCSM - have planned this mega-science Exhibition of a global stature in a unique way and with a distinct objective. The Exhibition will bring several global, collaborative mega-science projects under one roof and take mega-science closer to the society. The Exhibition will showcase India’s contribution to international collaborations on fundamental science and research, and provide a common interactive platform for mega-science Projects, industry, academia and institutions. The exhibition also aims to connect with school children, students and aspirants who want to pursue fundamental science and research as a strong career option.

After Bengaluru, Vigyan Samagam will reach Kolkata. In its final leg, it will reach to New Delhi where subsequent to the conclusion of exhibition it will remain as a permanent exhibit in New Delhi under NCSM.

Vigyan Samagam exhibition will traverse the visitors through the world from micro to macro, unveiling the efforts of the international community in understanding the Universe.  It will also showcase that DAE not only works on nuclear technologies, but also work on fundamental science and research, in a big way. Vigyan Samagam exhibition will take you through the workings of the Universe. From discovery of the Higgs particle to that of gravitational waves from merger of neutron stars and black holes, these projects throw light on crucial questions related to the origin of the Universe and its evolution through its various stages. The Exhibition will highlight India’s contribution to the world’s science and technology innovations, researches in the areas of space science, nuclear technology.

Iconic International Scientific Organisations to participate:

Vigyan Samagam will have the presence prestigious of organisations such as the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN, ‘Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research’ (FAIR), India-based ‘Neutrino Observatory’ (INO), ‘International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor’ (ITER), ‘Laser Interferometer Gravitational - Wave Observatory’ (LIGO), ‘Major Atmospheric Cherenkov Experiments’ (MACE), ‘Square Kilometer Array’ (SKA) and ‘Thirty Meter Telescope’ (TMT).

Format of the Exhibition:

The Exhibition will have themed galleries of posters, working models and exhibits, informative audio-visual content and on electronic displays and interactive kiosks will be setup for each of the Mega Science Projects. The inaugural event at each of the four venues will be followed by a two days scientific event comprising of invited talks and lectures by eminent speakers from the field of science, technology and Industry. The audience would include invited members from scientific organisations, industry partners and academia. Coinciding with the scientific seminar, during the first two days at each venue, industry partners working with the participating Mega Science Projects will set-up an expo at the venue to showcase their contributions. As part of project awareness activities, each participating project will be carrying out a week-long activities consisting of popular talks, science demonstrations, interactive quiz programmes, etc.

Connecting with School Children, Students: A key objective of Vigyan Samagam:

In each of the four cities, various engaging activities for school children and students are being taken up. Planned activities include quizzes, essay-writing / drawing contests, and popular outdoor programmes like science awareness programmes etc.

In order to reach out to more people and involve them with this Exhibition, Vigyan Samagam has its website and a mobile app Vigyan Samagam. Important talks and lectures will be streamed live through social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube of VITM, Bengaluru.

Exhibition will be open on all days, including Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. At Bengaluru, the timing will be from 10 am to 6 pm.

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