Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Heartfulness Hosts Wellness Enthusiasts from Russia, Europe, North & South America

It is no more only IT, Pharma or Tourism that attract foreigners to Telangana, rather Wellness is yet another reason which is enticing people across the world towards the newest state of the country. Heartfulness Institute ( hosted a group of over 1,000 people from over 16 countries including USA, Canada, Sweden, England, France, Latin America and 11 CIS countries. The main objective of these wellness enthusiasts coming all the way to Kanha Shanti Vanam (the global headquarters of Heartfulness) near Hyderabad was to learn Heartfulness Meditation which is offered free across the globe.

The group members who are visiting Kanha on a 7-day trip varied from all walks of life that included CEO & business owners, economists, managers, teachers, professors, PhDs, psychologists, engineers, students, artists, designers, IT specialists, business consultants and coaches, journalist, chef, yoga & fitness coaches, marketologs, actress, musicians, physicians, nurses and retired people. A seminar was also conducted for a large group from Russian speaking CIS countries which comprised of 98 families, 210 sisters, 90 brothers and 9 children. The seminar hosted sessions by experts on Astanga Yoga, Being an intense Abhyasi (practitioners of Heartfulness), Nonviolent Communication, Spiritual Journey and the Ashram life at Kanha.

Mr. Rishab Kothari, Joint Secretary of Heartfulness said, “Each month we have more than 1,000 Heartfulness practitioners from different countries coming to Kanha to attend the heartfulness meditation training. Our world class facility ensures that we are able to cater to the training and residential needs of the visitors.”

Feedback from Visitors

Alla Revenko, 57 Years, Life coach and a business owner, Russia - Heartfulness practice is magic, when you are focused and meditate as it makes big difference to the inner and outer conditions. Meditation sessions and lots of interactions with people who came from different countries to Kanha Ashwam has given us a new boost to practice Heartfulness sincerely. We have discussed many issues and made plans how to reach out with Heartfulness to the rest of the world. We experienced real brotherhood and I feel more love in my heart. I am amazed about the atmosphere of Kanha Shanti Vanam Ashram and beautiful hearts that join here as one world family.

Elena Chikisheva, 44 years, Financial Manager, Russia – “As a first-time visitor for Kanha Shanti Vanam Ashram, I experienced a totally new world. Being here, helped me to dive deep within, to meet with my inner self and simply enjoy moment of silence. It made me to change my perception of the world around. Now I appreciate the Life the way it is”.

Lubov Manulik, 64 Years, France – “I am so happy to share success of this visit here in Kanha Ashram. We came here for amazing Heartfulness practice, Ashram’s positive vibration and brotherhood. It is life-long experience. I am 64 years old and for me it is so important to feel happiness with people now and here!

Nadia Kniga, 47 years, Canada – “I am mother of 4 children and I learn a lot from the Heartfulness training programs that will help me to become better mother, wife and human being. I feel love, brotherhood and unity, it makes me happy and I hope for a better & peaceful life on Earth. When we all unite with meditation, we have real chance to make life better and meaningful. We can become good example for children and have a chance to live happy life in balance and peace.”

Igor Onchtchenko, 51 years, Belarus – “I was surprised to see the tremendous work done at Kanha Shanti Vanam Ashram and I highly appreciate it. I am thankful for the humble care from the people here and training on Heartfulness. I expect it will bring light and happiness in my life. The group enjoyed the visit and working together at Kanha Shanti Vanam.”

Heartfulness is an approach to the Raja Yoga system of meditation called Sahaj Marg or the Natural Path, founded at the turn of the twentieth century and formalized into the Shri Ram Chandra Mission in 1945 in India. Over 2 Million professionals are practising Heartfulness Meditation in corporations, non-governmental and government bodies, schools and educational institutes, etc. in 130 countries. More than 5,000 Heartfulness Centres, known as HeartSpots, are supported by many thousands of certified volunteer trainers worldwide.

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