Monday, January 7, 2019

TCS iON Digital Zone Goes Green to Power its Centers Through Renewable Energy by 2020

TCS iON, a strategic unit of Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), a leading global IT services, consulting and business solutions organization announces an initiative to convert its TCS iON Digital Zones into clean energy efficient Green Zones. Under this initiative, TCS iON today commissioned its first solar power rooftop project at Ram Ganga Vihar in Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh. Under the clean energy mission, it aims to transform its 251 owned centers to solar empowered zones which will contribute to save more than 25% of TCS iON Digital Zone’s total electricity consumption across the country.

TCS iON conducts more than 85% of the large-scale and high-stake academic and recruitment examinations in India through its state-of-the-art infrastructure across 625 cities through its ‘Phygital’ platforms. The TCS iON Digital Zone at Ram Ganga Vihar, Moradabad alone has 532 computing nodes with the capacity of assessing 2000 candidates a day. This zone went live on 10th May 2016, has conducted more than 435 exams and assessed 2,25,000 candidates till date.

Venguswamy Ramaswamy, Global Head, TCS iON said, “We understand our responsibility as a corporate to work towards sustainable development of our nation and imbibe the consciousness of environment protection amongst the young generation. TCS iON took a leap by establishing paperless assessments through our Digital centres, saving approximately 17, 85, 000 trees till date. We now take another step to optimize energy consumption and identify methods to utilize renewable energy for these centers. We will undertake a clean energy drive for every TCS iON Digital Zone to be empowered with cutting edge energy consumption practices and are deploying IoT based monitoring methods under this initiative.”

TCS iON has always been at the forefront in bringing about a revolution in the Indian education system. While assessment has been a pain point for various exam-conducting bodies across the country involving the challenges of the time taken to declare results, errors in results, malpractice attempts and so on, the TCS iON Digital Zones support the entire process of conducting exams. Right from scheduling examinations, assigning test centers, distributing digital question papers to evaluating and managing results. Through its digital offering, TCS iON not only helps reduce administrative efforts and costs in a secured way but also contributes immensely to the mother earth. Enabling paperless assessments by digitalizing examination processes, TCS iON has now take another step forward in its contribution towards environment sustainability.

Going green not only contributes to reducing the global warming emissions and pollution, but the use of green energy has proved to be highly beneficial for a healthy environment.  With this initiative, TCS iON, which is focused on exploring continuous innovations, has taken yet another step towards reducing the carbon footprint and move forward in preserving resources for current and future generations.

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