Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Interra Conclave Mulls the Future of AI in India at Noida

Speakers at the InterraIT conclave held recently stressed the need for the information technology sector to embrace Artificial Intelligence (AI). Asoke K. Laha, Founder, President and CEO of InterraIT, has emerged as a strong advocate of the adoption of cutting-edge technologies as a strategy to reorient India’s IT industries in the face of challenges posed by rampant protectionism, increased competition, and labor arbitrage in its target markets.

“We need to look inward at domestic markets with a view to bringing to the table sophisticated new technologies like open-source software, cloud computing, data analytics, and now artificial intelligence.” Laha said at the conclave.


·         Dr Prabhat Kumar, E-Governance and AI expert said it was time to bring the full potential of AI to bear on the competitiveness, efficiency, and profitability of the IT industry in the global village. He added that China is streets ahead in the adoption of AI technologies. “These technologies are already available and we need to adapt them to our needs. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel,” he asserted.

·         The need to look beyond the hype surrounding AI was underscored by Puneet Jindal, Founder Data Science Delhi and Lead Data Scientist at RateGain. “AI has been around for decades; it’s just that new programming has come into play and is easy to adopt,” he said. “We must focus on basics and build simple things to excite the market.”

·         Explaining algorithms, the set of rules that break down a complex task, Ramakrishna M, Co-founder Intello Labs & AI expert said these can help train a machine in the use of  cutting-edge technologies. He illustrated his comment with reference to image-based quality grading, the process by which an application can provide information about an image captured by a camera.

·         Aniruddha Guha Sarkar, Senior Vice President addressed the practical aspects of AI , saying the application of such technologies provide a vast array of opportunities. “We need to align them with customer demands in order to say ahead of the challenges we face in the area of customer satisfaction,” he averred.

Summing up the learnings from the conclave, Jagannath Sanyal, Marketing Director said InterraIT has chalked out aggressive plans to lead the technological changes from the front. He talked about his company’s partnership with a global firm in the area of autonomous testing and their plans to strike more such alliances.   

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