Friday, October 17, 2008

ERP SAP implemented to dispose off deadly chemicals

Gujarat Industries Power Company Ltd (GIPC), a leading company engaged in business of generation of electrical power has implemented ERP SAP that has helped in disposing off dead inventory of hazardous Neptha Chemical worth of Rs 0.5 crore in one month complying fully with all regulations. In an interview with Lt. Col. Shankar Gurkha, Chief Manager – IT of GIPC talked to Manu Sharma of CIOL Bureau about his achievements as a CIO and what he foresee as the major challenges in the coming years.

CIOL: What are the major challenges faced by a CIO?
Shankar Gurkha: Some of the major challenges faced by a CIO include:
* Aligning IT with business
* Business process improvements
* Create robust integrated IT platform enabling business

CIOL: Does your organization link IT budget with the company's performance/growth? If yes please elaborate?
SG: Yes. However the formal system is now being put in place.

CIOL: Can you cite any specific areas where IT has come up as an accomplishment in your stint as a CIO?
SG: The main accomplishment during my stint as a CIO include the ERP SAP implementations that has helped us in disposing off dead inventory of hazardous Neptha Chemical worth of Rs 0.5 crore in one month complying fully all regulations.

CIOL: Going forward, what are the challenges that you foresee?
SG: Deployment of cost effective IT solutions enabling business, Optimum utilization of existing IT assets.

CIOL: How far have you come as regards adopting 'Green IT technologies'?
SG: We are at an initial stage but are taking few steps in the next financial year.

CIOL: What will be the IT budget for the new fiscal year/ What is the growth rate over last year?
SG: Our budget for the next financial year will be about Rs 2.5 to 3 crore. That will be a 200 percent growth compared to the previous year.

CIOL: Name the top 5 items that you expect to spend on this fiscal year?
SC: Some of the top items we expect to spend our budget include:
* Upgrade and enhancement of ERP SAP,
* Enterprise Document Management Sys,
* Unified Communications,
* DR Plan
* Green IT.

CIOL: Do you feel the amount allocated for IT is sufficient if yes why? If not why not? How much should you be spending?
SG: The amount allocated for IT is sufficient for projects as planned.

CIOL: Has the prices of the IT products (hardware/software) been on the decline due to the current stronger rupee against the US dollar (2007)?
SG: Yes, It has somewhat declined due to the current stronger rupee against the US dollar.

CIOL: Since the rupee is growing stronger against the dollar (In 2007), don't you thing it is the right time to purchase IT products both hardware/software?
SG: Yes, If found useful for the organization.

CIOL: How big is the IT staff in your organization?
SG: We presently have a team of 20 in our organization.

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