Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Lightwing Helps Businesses Save 90% of Cloud Compute Costs Through Intelligent Automation

Cutting down the waste in spending has never been more critical than in the new normal. When digitalization is the natural path, a big chunk of spending of all businesses is inevitably going into cloud computing. One company’s solution may alter this drastically by optimizing the use of public clouds such as AWS, Azure and DigitalOcean.

Lightwing’s solution provides companies with intelligent CloudOps automation – slashing monthly cloud computing bills by as much as 90%, and significantly improving the efficiency of the team and the infrastructure. They have enabled this with a simple one-time setup and have eliminated any manual intervention. Businesses require no change in the way their developers work.

While Microsoft Azure has reported a staggering rise of 775% in the demand for cloud services during the COVID-19 phenomena itself, with companies already having spent over $43 bn on cloud computing in 2019.

Lightwing aims to tap this opportunity and to make the process seamless. It provides businesses with three cost optimization pillars as they call it - each designed for a different aspect of cloud usage.

One of the products, Lightwing ComputeGroups helps companies utilize the cloud’s excess capacity and significantly cut compute costs. While Lightwing Policies provides automated cloud usage governance across the business’ cloud accounts. Combining these capabilities provides savings of up to 90% on monthly cloud computing costs.

The Lightwing Smart Adviser (available on its website helps a business sign up for and automatically choose the best-suited optimization option for each of their cloud resources, and provides real-time savings estimate that they can expect once the automation is implemented.

“With Lightwing Smart Advisor, the process of getting ready for optimization takes a mere 15 minutes as compared to the usual weeks of manual discovery and assessment that precedes a cloud optimization effort,” explains Ravitej Yadalam, Co-founder & CEO of Lightwing.

Navaneeth KN, Co-founder & CTO, has a rich cloud and AI experience of over 12 years from his time at Thoughtworks and Alation. While Navaneeth has successfully built an automation testing tool in the past, Ravitej has a successful ecommerce product under his belt that provided a unified shopping experience for over 350,000 global users.

Ravitej explains the working of the product by giving an example of the optimization of lights around your room. “For non-production resources, imagine that the room you’re sitting in and all the lights in it is a company’s cloud usage every month. Some cloud optimization products dim all the lights in the room to an acceptable dullness, while others manually shut down all the lights in the room periodically, whether or not I’m in it. But Lightwing automatically detects when I’m in the room and where I’m standing. Then, switches off all the other lights except the one right above me and every time I take a step, the light follows me around. Sometimes, before I even move.

This is what then duo calls AI-powered, policy-driven optimization on steroids. “This is Lightwing AutoStopping, just one of three cost optimization pillars we provide,” adds Ravitej.

The product today works on any cloud computing resource on AWS, Azure and Digital Ocean with more clouds to follow.

Lightwing aims to tap the market that has millions of businesses hosted on public clouds. The company currently has commercial POCs with NetApp, Vedantu, EOX Vantage, among others.

Lightwing is currently providing an extended 30-day free trial with full enterprise support to let companies see the cost savings that the product can bring for them, available at

Lightwing is one of the ten startups that successfully completed the mentorship-driven Techstars Bangalore Accelerator's 2020 programme recently. The intensive programme provides support to the startups through an investment of $120,000 in each company, mentorship and support resources as they develop and refine aspects of their businesses to enhance product-market fit and position themselves to scale.

“The Techstars program helped us immensely with mentorship, brand visibility, and customer and investor access. We have accomplished in these three months what may otherwise have taken us two or three times that duration, which is invaluable progress for any company,” says Ravitej.

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Techstars is the global platform for investment and innovation. Techstars founders connect with other entrepreneurs, experts, mentors, alumni, investors, community leaders, and corporations to grow their companies. Techstars operates three divisions: Techstars Mentorship-Driven Accelerator Programs, Techstars Corporate Innovation Partnerships and Techstars Communities. Techstars accelerator portfolio includes more than 2,100 companies with a market cap of more than $26 Billion. 

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