Saturday, April 27, 2019

Godrej's Interio Index Reveals True Alpha Decision-Makers in Households Across India

About 65% of Kolkata and 58% of Bangalore households involve the entire family when selecting furniture and décor for their homes compared to an all-India average of 45%, according to the latest findings of Godrej’s Interio Index. 

These figures contrast sharply with responses from Hyderabad (55%) and Chandigarh (48%) which reveal women have the final word on home interiors.  The research also highlights cities where the men of the house retain the power of veto; for instance, nearly a third of Mumbai households (31%) and Ahmedabad (30%) believe men are the ultimate decision-makers.

Even in the kitchen, which has traditionally been a woman’s domain, Bangalore (58%) and Kolkata (65%) state they follow a democratic and inclusive approach when deciding on furniture for home.

Godrej’s Interio Index[1] is a light hearted survey designed to understand the decision-making process behind Indians’ choice of home furnishings. It also revealed that while Ahmedabad, Kolkata, Pune, Lucknnow, Bangalore and Mumbai to be more male centric in their home décor decision-making, compared with slightly more feminine-oriented households in Chennai, Delhi, Chandigarh and Hyderabad.

For instance, a third of respondents (31%) in Mumbai are certain of men’s veto on furniture compared to 17% of those who believe women have the final say. In contrast, 48% Chandigarh respondents claim that women have the final say in selecting furniture at home while only 19% respondents observe men sharing the same privilege.

According to the data, this contrast in decision-making styles is prevalent even in the different rooms within the home. In the living room, men have the final say in Ahmedabad (23%), Chennai (39%), and Bangalore (26%) compared to women, 11%, 23% and 13% in each city, respectively. For the same room, in Chandigarh (32%), Delhi (36%), and Hyderabad (39%) women dominate furniture decisions compared to men 17%, 13%, and 9% in each city respectively.

According to Anil Mathur, Chief Operating Officer, Godrej Interio, the Interio Index, in a fun way, helps determine the gender towards which decision-making is skewed across India cities.

“As per our data, Ahmedabad, Bangalore and Mumbai tend to take an ‘alpha male’ approach with 29%, 26%, and 29% respondents in each city claiming men make most of the bedroom furniture decisions compared to 6%, 13% and 19% respondents in each city who claim it is the women who decide. When it comes to decisions about the same room, in Chandigarh (54%), Hyderabad (61%), Kolkata (31%), and Chennai (37%) it is the women who have the final say compared to men 28%, 25%, 15%, and 22% in each city respectively. This is a reflection of a larger trend towards collective decisions in a domestic environment,” he said.

“As a brand, our objective is to maintain consistency in the quality of our products and services, and the attitude with which we tend to our customers. At Godrej Interio, we make a conscious effort to appeal to all members of the family, giving equal importance to both men and women,” he concluded.

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