Saturday, October 26, 2019

Nurturing Future-Ready Students Across Indian Cities and Towns

Education is evolving at a fast pace to keep up with changes that we see all around us. Technology is now an integral part of our lives and children today are digital natives. Education has come to mean much more than the chalk and talk methods of yesterday. The roles of teachers have evolved and today they are facilitators – helping children discover passions and training them across multiple capabilities. Pramod Srinivas, Founder, The Global Indian School (TGIS) speaks about this and more in this interview.

1. What is the relevance of the CBSE curriculum in terms of the current skills requirement for future professionals?

There is no doubt that the Central Board of Secondary education (CBSE) makes you study rigorously. However, apart from that, it is a curriculum that provides room to develop skills. It also helps in nation building and leadership. CBSE has a compact structure that is to be followed while allowing for a number of professional traits such as leadership, project management, and interactive abilities that help with conflict resolution, and other such value added skills to be easily incorporated. Each school has its own approach to how these skills are included.

2. What is the changing role of the teacher, and how can parents and educational institutions support that new role?

The chalk and talk method is no longer the way to teach. Classrooms have become more collaborative. Many schools now believe that the role of the teacher is not to teach, but to facilitate and therefore teachers are now facilitators. At the same time, they inspire students to learn and impart skills with the tools provided by the school. Teachers need to upgrade their skills as they play multiple roles of teachers, counsellors, guides, etc.

For parents to understand the changing role of teachers, it is important that they are oriented in the changing approach to education. Today, employability skills are few and if we do not train students correctly, through these collaborative means, it will continue to remain this way. Parents should be made to understand that blackboard teaching and learning by rote methods are no longer relevant. The approach to sustainable learning is what will equip students for the future. This is something that New Age schools are able to do.

3. How can schools help students discover their passions?

There are steps to this. You have to focus on interests of the child and what they are inclined towards. These interests and choices keep changing, based on the teachers they are attached to. By the age of 10 teachers can identify the passion of a child. Ideally portfolio files should be made and passed from one class teacher to the other with each passing year. Passion, skill sets etc., can be noted in this and developed upon. Back in the day, class teachers would remain the same for a few years and this was a great approach as they could understand a child more intimately. This knowledge can help schools initiate programs that encourage children to explore their passions.

4.      How can schools adapt their curriculum to the technologies that kids are already using?

It’s the 21st century when it comes to education, bringing in technology is an absolute requirement. Today’s children are digital natives and it comes easy to them. But, we still need to work at making students hands-on and not completely tech-dependent. Programs that can be used as digital enhancements to school curriculum. Collaborative tools that can be accessed online can be incorporated. Tools like blogging, videos, podcasts, webinars and others can help students study remotely as well.

5. How can educators provide effective intervention in the early years so all students are on an even track in school?

We can make a world of difference if we understand students well. Children can be divided into four groups - Kinesthetic, linguistic, audio-visual and spatial, based on which they can be provided with differentiated worksheets gradually bringing them to one level. While we would not want to encourage mediocrity, the idea is to ensure class disparity is not too high. The CBSE system makes way for the Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation System which is done at regular intervals and this helps a lot in bringing students at par.

Early learning intervention from schools provide support for parents with children who have developmental disabilities or delays. The purpose of early learning intervention is to minimize children’s chances of being left behind in their educational potential as they enter pre-school or elementary school. Early intervention is not just related to learning difficulties or milestones but can be associated with behaviour and other aspects as well like socialization as well. We at TGIS, observe and have milestone checks, and inform parents when we find academic delays.

6. What are the USPs of The Global Indian School and what can both parents and students look forward to?

As a school we have worked on a global curriculum that is presented to children in a personalized and holistic manner. We are also going to be a completely non-biased and an inclusive school, of children with disabilities, irrespective of gender and race. We believe that equal opportunity is everyone’s right. Every child is important to us and we understand that every child is also unique. Some of our USPs are:

· E-Qube - a skill-based program that teaches children critical thinking, skill-based problem solving and life skills. Students are taught to be empathetic, which is the need of the hour.

·Parents are offered an orientation to understand the changing education eco-system and evaluation methods.

·Portfolios are created for students and differentiated assessment sheets are provided to them.

·Concepts such as flipped classrooms (where class work and home work could be inter-changeable); Wonder Time, Choice time, (giving time to answer all those curious questions with hands-on work); DEAR learning programs; a strong library and reading program and many such concepts are our USPs.

We also have Signature programs – TGIS Dayitva- that opens opportunities for community development, wildlife interaction, collection programs for charity, community care etc. TGIS Pariyavaran is to help children understand about new career options that pertain to the environment such as rainwater harvesting to cloud seeding and more. The idea is to make children aware of these opportunities.

Friday, October 25, 2019

ITIs Sign Partnership with 719 Private Companies Over Last 6 Months

In the six months since its revamp by the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE), the Dual System of Training (DST) has had a significant impact on the skilling ecosystem by partnering with 719 corporates and private partners for training programs. This is a huge jump from the 136 MoUs that were signed in the three years prior to the revamp. Interestingly, NSTI Noida alone has signed 37 of the over 700 MoUs in the past few months.

The DST scheme was introduced in 2016 with the objective of enabling industries and establishments to partner with the Government and Private ITIs for conducting training programmes towards fulfilling skilled manpower requirements. With this aim, 719 Memorandums of Understanding (MoU) have been signed with the partners for training programs. The DST combines theoretical training from ITIs and practical training from Industry partners thereby strengthening industry linkages and providing hands-on experience to students on industries latest technologies and techniques.

The revised scheme guidelines were issued in January 2019 and are much more relaxed with greater adaptability towards industry requirements and with wider coverage of ITIs. Under the DST scheme, training is imparted to meet the industry’s skilled workforce requirements. After the training, trainees are awarded National Trade Certificate (NTC) that give them an edge with regard to employability.

Dr. Mahendra Nath Pandey, Minister of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE), said, “The dual system allows cooperative learning and production that allows for greater innovation and targeted training. Candidates getting dual training fast become specialists, increasing demand for their services. We have been actively encouraging ITIs to participate in the DST program so that new ITI trainees are industry-ready. The newly revamped scheme has been so well received that we expect the impact on the overall skilling ecosystem to be significant.”

Among the changes in the revamped scheme, ITI & NSTI principals can now directly sign MoUs with industry without interference of DGT or states. The eligibility criteria for industry participation has been eased where now an engineering trades industry can have a minimum of 40 employees instead of the earlier 200, while the minimum turnover requirement has been brought down to Rs. 1 crore per year for the past three years, against the earlier Rs. 10 crore. The duration of the practical training portion of the course has also been made flexible and adaptive to the industry schedule. All the 138 plus courses under CTS have been brought under the ambit of DST, as against only 17 courses earlier. ITIs are exclusively permitted to conduct training under DST with deemed affiliation in the 3rd shift.

ACT Fibernet Upgrades Internet Speed and Data Limits in Bengaluru at No Additional Cost

ACT Fibernet, India’s largest fiber-focused wired broadband ISP (Internet Service Provider) upgraded internet speed and data limits across all broadband plans for existing customers in Bengaluru. The demand for fast and stable internet connectivity has been incessantly rising, the newly upgraded plan will enable users to enjoy uninterrupted internet services with phenomenal speeds at no additional cost.

As part of the move, ACT Fibernet has upgraded ACT Swift plan to 40 Mbps speed with 200 GB FUP limit from 15 Mbps speed and 100 GB FUP limit, ACT Rapid has been upgraded to 75 Mbps speed with 350 GB FUP limit from 40 Mbps speed and 220 GB FUP limit. Similarly, ACT Rapid Plus has been upgraded to 75 Mbps speed with 350 GB FUP limit from 50 Mbps speed and 240 GB FUP limit, ACT Blaze has been upgraded to 100 Mbps speed with 450 GB FUP limit from 75 Mbps speed and 320 GB FUP limit, ACT Storm has been upgraded to 150 Mbps speed with 650 GB FUP limit from 100 Mbps speed and 400 GB FUP limit.

Likewise, ACT Lightning has been upgraded to 200 Mbps speed with 800 GB FUP limit from 125 Mbps speed and 550 GB FUP limit, ACT Incredible has been upgraded to 250 Mbps speed with 1000 GB FUP limit from 150 Mbps speed and 875 GB, ACT Essential has been upgraded to 250 Mbps speed with 1500 GB FUP limit from 150 Mbps speed and 1200 GB FUP limit,  ACT Advance has been upgraded to 250 Mbps speed with 2000 GB FUP limit from 150 Mbps speed and 1650 GB FUP limit, ACT Progress has been upgraded to 250 Mbps speed with 2500 GB FUP limit from 150 Mbps speed and 2200 GB FUP limit and ACT Giga has been upgraded to 1000 Mbps speed with 3500 GB FUP limit from 2500 GB FUP limit.

Speaking on the upgraded plans, Mr. Sandeep Gupta, COO, Atria Convergence Technologies Ltd.  commented, “A reliable home broadband network plays an imperative role to the overall internet experience of a user. At ACT Fibernet we believe in bringing the best to our customers and the latest upgraded plans will provide superior internet experience especially around gaming, entertainment through 4k and HD movies /TV series and downloads without any additional cost”.

CRY Organizes South India Round Table Consultation of National Policy for Children 2013

Child Rights and You (CRY) working towards child rights for the last 40 years in collaboration with Karnataka State Commission on the Protection of Child Rights organised a consultation to review the National Policy for children (NPC 2013) of the country. Various civil society organisations, Dr. Anthony Sebastian, Chairperson Karnataka SCPCR, Mr. P. Suresh, Chairperson Kerala SCPCR, Ms. Ganta Hymavathi, Chairperson, Andhra Pradesh, various NGOs, senior officials from CRY along with a host of  academia, judiciary, were present on the occasion.

For the first time the event saw such a culmination of luminaries from Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telengana and Kerala.

Issues pertaining to education for all children without any discrimination, taking stronger accounts of missing children and ensuring better hygiene and sanitation were some of the points that saw consensus. Also, fortifying Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) and better implementation of the Public Distribution system and Mid-Day Meal system were simultaneously brought under focus which comprised of some of the main state mandates from southern region of India. A proactive approach to address malnutrition with a special focus on children from disadvantaged sections of the society is required is the need of the hour.

In the review process, members showed concern about the recent status on the Comprehensive National Nutrition Survey. The fact that 5 percent of India children are overweight and 35 percent of them being stunted shows the urgent requirement in re-assessing the nutritional policy for children. Also, the latest National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB 2017) data reflects that in the last 5 years, crime rates against children have increased by 200 percent, making policy mandates on protection another important area of concern among the representatives.

The objective of the consultation was to undertake a multi-stakeholder’s review through a consultative process with the various representatives from the system and the civil society. Similar process will be undertaken across all regions of the country and the collated version will be sent to the policy makers and influencers.

These consultations looked at having a diverse range of inputs from practitioners, academicians, experts, representatives from government and quasi bodies, to name a few, Health & Nutrition, Education & Development, Protection and Participation encompassed the review.

 The criticality of NPC 2013 lies in the fact that it is holistic in nature as it addresses all the rights of children. It is imperative that all the stakeholders responsible for children, Government officials, and representatives from civil society, commissions come together and act together with accountability. The inputs from all the state SCPCR’s and representatives from various sectors not only helped in identify the gaps better but brought about the need of a cohesive action plan with an unitary motive to better protect child rights,” said Puja Marwaha, CEO, CRY.

“We need to strive towards ensuring that there is 100 percent enrolment and zero percent drop outs in children. The review must take into account that education not only empowers but also provides a safe and secured environment for children. The policy updates must be in accordance to that. Also the fact that there is lot of ambiguity in cases of missing children needs to be addresses that brings in more accountability and streamlines the process,” said Dr. Anthony Sebastian, Chairperson, Karnataka State Commission for Protection of Child Rights.

CRY: Child Rights and You is an Indian NGO that believes in every child’s right to a childhood - to live, learn, grow and play. For 4 decades, CRY and its 850 initiatives have worked with parents and communities to ensure Lasting Change in the lives of more than 2,000,000 underprivileged children, across 23 states in India.

Revamp of Dual System of Training Brings 719 MoUs in Six Months

In the six months since its revamp by the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE), the Dual System of Training (DST) has shown signs of significant impact in the skilling ecosystem, with as many as 719 Memorandums of Understanding (MoU) being signed with various private partners for training programs. This is a huge jump from the 136 MoUs that were signed in the three years prior to the revamp.

The Dual System of Training scheme was first introduced in 2016 with the objective of enabling industries and establishments to partner with the Government and Private ITIs for conducting training programmes towards fulfilling skilled manpower requirements. The DST combines theoretical training from ITIs and practical training from Industry partners thereby strengthening industry linkages and providing hands-on experience to students on industries latest technologies and techniques.

The revised scheme guidelines were issued in January 2019 and are much more relaxed with greater adaptability towards industry requirements and with wider coverage of ITIs. Under the DST scheme, training is imparted to meet the industry’s skilled workforce requirements. After the training, trainees are awarded National Trade Certificate (NTC) that give them an edge with regard to employability.

Dr. Mahendra Nath Pandey, Minister of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE), said, “The dual system allows cooperative learning and production that allows for greater innovation and targeted training. Candidates getting dual training fast become specialists, increasing demand for their services. We have been actively encouraging ITIs to participate in the DST program so that new ITI trainees are industry-ready. The newly revamped scheme has been so well received that we expect the impact on the overall skilling ecosystem to be significant. Of the latest surge in MoUs, NSTI Noida has signed some 37 in these few months.”

Among the changes in the revamped scheme, ITI & NSTI principals can now directly sign MoUs with industry without interference of DGT or states. The eligibility criteria for industry participation has been eased where now an engineering trades industry can have a minimum of 40 employees instead of the earlier 200, while the minimum turnover requirement has been brought down to Rs. 1 crore per year for the past three years, against the earlier Rs. 10 crore. The duration of the practical training portion of the course has also been made flexible and adaptive to the industry schedule. All the 138 plus courses under CTS have been brought under the ambit of DST, as against only 17 courses earlier. ITIs are exclusively permitted to conduct training under DST with deemed affiliation in the 3rd shift. 

Mahindra XUV300 #HerDrive Event Held in Bengaluru with Eminent Actress - Gul Panag

Mahindra XUV300 at the #HerDrive event in Bengaluru, as they celebrate women who are winners in every field, in the presence of eminent actress Gul Panag. The event saw performances by Sejal Bhat from Comicstaan and Aflatunes, an A cappella group.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Decoding Human-Assisted Advanced Analytics For Different Outcomes

By Vipul Valamjee, Engineering Leader at Altimetrik

Over the last decade, there has been an incredible boost in studies and results in the field of advanced analytics. It is beyond doubt recognized that the technological masterpieces of Tesla’s self-driving cars attribute their systems to large machine learning models that work on spectacularly large data sets.

Nowadays, the technology we see in the field of advanced analytics are all designed by humans. We have yet to see an AI system develop its model that it can train and verify its result without needing human intervention at any point in time. This in itself forms the reason why today’s artificial intelligence systems cannot perform without human intervention.

How Has AI helped different outcomes?

Credit where it’s due, AI systems have proved that their processing power can largely exceed those of humans. With its large computing power and quick processing, artificial intelligence systems have been the major driving force of advanced analytics for businesses.

Recent studies have shown that more than 50% of the work done in a factory can be automated. The reason that humans still hold on to a certain percentage is that human-assisted advanced analytics has yet to be outdone by an AI system that claims to not need human intervention. Human intervention is of uttermost importance and finds itself irreplaceable (at least shortly) at certain critical points.

What are these critical points?

There are certain points in the process of developing an Artificial Intelligence System that require human intervention and would fail otherwise. Such points are often referred to as critical points.

For those wondering if AI can ever fully replace man, the answer is, “not anytime soon”. The main reason behind this is the fact that these critical points cannot function solely without depending on human assistance.

Let’s dive more into the process of creating a model via Machine Learning to understand exactly why human intervention is necessary.

To create a machine learning model, it is first required to establish a clear and distinct training set and test set. Human assistance is required at these points to verify and ensure that the model being created generates results that drive the purpose of the business it is made for.

A common misconception that has plagued our world recently is the fact that automation will completely replace humans in every field including advanced analytics.

There is an element of “logic” that Artificial Intelligence Systems have not yet been able to comprehend. This “business logic” is what gives humans the upper-hand when it comes to the functioning of AI-based systems and this why it can never fully replace man.

Even data scientists have included a factor of HI (human intervention) when considering predictions derived with the help of advanced analytics.

A new school of thought requests the world to think about how such AI systems can help humans achieve greater feats rather than replace them. This, in turn, will remove the existing fear which although justified is not necessary.

Humans determine how an AI performs. An AI cannot determine how smart it is going to be. If the data entered into it during training is inaccurate and irrelevant, the output of these advanced AI systems running the most complex and deep neural networks is also going to be inaccurate and irrelevant.

In simple terms, an AI model or Machine Learning model is only as good as the data it is trained with.

With all the hype and commotion, advanced analytics using artificial intelligence systems have caused in the world of technology, humans are here to stay come what may. As long as AI systems are incapable of reasoning and applying logic to situations, human intervention will remain necessary at critical points.

Be it in the healthcare industry, the automobile industry or the retail market, machine learning models and artificial intelligence models have a long way to go before it takes over human intervention.

Similar to the first AI winter that existed from 1974 till 1980 and the second that followed in the years 1987-1993, AI winters might occur again when progress starts to stagnate and a plateau is reached momentarily. The next possible plateau would be where AI “tries” to fully replace a man but fails at the mentioned critical points.

Just like how the previous winters were followed with enormous booms, such plateaus should not be feared because they act as a training ground for evolution in the field.

With all that said, the future of artificial intelligence systems is brighter. If these systems can work hand in hand with humans, both sides can reach newer levels of success without conflicting interests.

Bosch Unveils IoT Based Public Infrastructure Monitoring Solution


* Chief Minister of Karnataka B S Yediyurappa launches the IOT powered solution hailing it as a postive outcome of technology innovation.
* At the core is Bosch’s Phantom product which is an intelligent platform that increases machine efficiency, provides input on critical safety, machine maintenance and early warnings on malfunctions
* Can be retrofit in elevators, escalators of any brand or technology to enable safer infrastructure monitoring.

Chief Minister of Karnataka B S Yediyurappa unveiled an IOT enabled public infrastructure monitoring solution from Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions (RBEI). At the core of the solution is Bosch’s Phantom, an intelligent ecosystem platform; analytics form the core of this solution and it is Phantom’s purpose to bring advanced technology and insightful analytics to our users. This solution combines Bosch’s unique strength in software, sensors and services to transform elevators and escalators into smarter machines.

Addressing a real need of the hour: "Bosch's IOT based solution is made in Bengaluru for India…to address a safety issue in our growing cities. Our solution will enable manufacturers manage a smooth and safe movement of a large number of people using public infrastructure", said Vijay Ratnaparkhe, President and Managing Director, RBEI.

At the heart of the solution is Bosch's Phantom platform.

The Phantom platform is a powerful ecosystem on the cloud and on premise that delivers manufacturing efficiency, real time alerts and notifications for timely actionable insights. The solution gathers machine usage and equipment status for intelligent analytics, and provides key insights on usage, benchmarks, and trends. It provides input on critical safety, machine maintenance and early warnings on malfunctions. This smart solution will provide real time alerts and notifications via e-mails and messages to users. It is a non-intrusive, retrofit Page 2 of 3
solution that can be set up in a few minutes. “Headquartered in Bengaluru, Bosch has been manufacturing in India for over 65 years. With presence in mobility, beyond mobility and sensors, software & services, the company employs about 30,000 associates in India out of which approx. 20,000 are housed in Karnataka. Bosch is committed to the State of Karnataka and will continue to offer wide range of smart solutions in future.” said Soumitra Bhattacharya, Managing Director, Bosch Limited and President, Bosch India Group.

The Bosch solution is initially deployed in few elevators and escalators, including the escalator in the skywalk near Forum Mall, Koramangala. SEEIOT Solutions is the implementation partner for this solution in Karnataka. Dr. Shobha Yaduraj, Managing Director, SEEIOT Solutions and State President, Karnataka Elevator Manufacturers Association said, “We are excited to be the on-ground implementation partner of Bosch’s solution in the State. This solution puts technology in the service of the city. It addresses urban monitoring issues”.

With more than 20,000 associates, Robert Bosch in India is a powerhouse of technology and innovation. Engineers here are responsible for high-end technology innovation and delivering world-class solutions. But just as importantly RBEI and its engineers are committed to creating solutions that improve the quality of life.

About RBEI: Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions Private Limited is a 100% owned subsidiary of Robert Bosch GmbH, one of the world’s leading global supplier of technology and services, offering end-to-end Engineering, IT and Business Solutions. With over 20,000 associates, it’s the largest software development center of Bosch, outside Germany, indicating that it’s the Technology Powerhouse of Bosch in India with a global footprint and presence in US, Europe and the Asia Pacific region.

East West Seed Seed Showcases Benefits of Vegetable Farming at 2019 Krishi Mela

East-West Seed India, a leader in vegetable seeds market highlighted the benefits of Vegetable Farming by creating an exclusive, live demo plot that showcased 28 vegetable crops and 68 varieties through its ‘Knowledge Transfer’ initiative at Krishi Mela, organised jointly by the University of Agricultural Science, Government of Karnataka and the Indo-Israel Project at GKVK Campus, today.

As a part of the activity, East West Seeds India team trained the farmers about 'profitability' of vegetable farming along with Good Agricultural Practices and Integrated Farming Systems that are aimed to increase the income of smallholder farmers.

Speaking on the occasion, Dilip Rajan, Managing Director of East West Seed India said “ Our mission is to improve the livelihood of smallholder vegetable farmers.  East West Seed India started Knowledge Transfer initiative in 2016. We are currently serving farmers across 5 states - Orissa, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. We have trained more than 19000 farmers in 2018 and we aim to train about 35000 farmers this year. Furthermore, we are also planning to expand to Assam, West Bengal, Bihar and Uttarakhand. Krishi Mela is a great opportunity for us to demonstrate the inherent benefits of Vegetable farming.”

 An important part of the training was creating awareness on cropping pattern , cropping sequence methods to maximise  productivity through  improved agronomic practices (drip irrigation, mulching, staking, net-house, phytosanitation, plant health), sharing of on-field knowledge and skills (better skills for better yield, on-spot visits, training farmers, field

apps and crop guides) and alternative crops to support sustainable vegetable growing practices. The trainings were conducted at a specially created demo plot which showcased 28 vegetable crops and 68 varieties. 

OPPO to Offer Users Android 10 ColorOS Trial, Reno is First to Upgrade

World-leading smartphone brand OPPO officially upgraded the ColorOS limited public trial version based on Android 10. The Reno will be the first to upgrade, other handsets such as Reno 10x Zoom and Reno 2 will be upgrading within the year of 2019. And this pre-release trial version of the new update covers India, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. This is limited to just few thousands users and will be open to apply starting October 25.

As its one of the most important partners of the Android ecosystem, OPPO's ColorOS is one of the first systems to work with Android 10, and the newer ColorOS 6 is the original Android 10 with features customized for OPPO users. This brings many new experiences in terms of visual interaction, security and convenience such as gesture navigation, and improved privacy settings.

Brand New Dark Mode Visual

Based on OPPO’s concept of borderless design, the new ColorOS version presents an all-new Dark Mode, which is both easy on users’ eyes, and the phone’s battery. The user interface (UI) comes with an automatic brightness control system, enabling Dark Mode to adapt to bright outdoor glare, low light and more, providing effective operation regardless of place or time. It boasts white fonts to enhance contrast, a specialized UI that offers wide coverage even on third-party applications and can be switched on easily within the settings section.

New Full Screen Gestures for super smooth navigation

Another key update is the system’s Full Screen Gestures. OPPO was one of the first smartphone brands to launch a full-screen handset. As early as the R15 series, it launched a Full Screen Gesture operation specifically for full-screen customization. This new update gives users easier and more convenient full-screen gesturing, making the best of smartphone border design.

The ColorOS provides three gestures for super smooth navigation. For example, a swipe from the left-hand side of the screen will go back to the previous page. A quick swipe up from the bottom of the phone screen will take you back to the home screen. To view all open apps, users can swipe up from the bottom of the screen then pause about a third the way up the screen. This gesture-based navigation makes everyday phone use a breeze.

Even Greater Convenience and security

Android 10 Digital Wellbeing allows users to more clearly know and manage their smartphone usage. Through this smart function, users can keep on top of how frequently they check their phone and use certain apps. They can see how they spend each day and set daily limits for each app using site timers, and when the timer runs out, the app or site will be paused for the rest of the day. The Wind Down feature also reminds users to switch off at night with by setting a bedtime schedule, helping them to get a good night’s sleep. Overall, Digital Wellbeing enables users to customize their phone settings and create daily habits that work best for them.

Simplilearn Wins Third Consecutive EC-Council Global Award

For the third year in a row, Simplilearn, a global edtech company, has been honored by EC-Council as an Accredited Training Center (ATC) of the Year - South Asia Region, as announced at EC-Council Global Awards. This award recognizes those training centers that have been most successful in providing top-level information security training programs throughout the year.

EC-Council, a leading international cybersecurity credentialing body, announced the winners at its annual Global Awards 2019, in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. The awards program recognizes the ongoing commitment of Accredited Training Centers (ATCs) and Certified EC-Council Instructors (CEIs) who have contributed significantly to the information security community by providing cutting-edge certification programs, further propounding the EC-Council's mission to mitigate cyber risk around the world.

This year’s winners were selected from an extensive training partner network that spans 145 countries and from a large pool of Certified EC-Council Instructors. After meeting the stringent criteria set by the EC-Council awards committee, the best from each category were selected.

Speaking about the achievement, Krishna Kumar, CEO & Founder of Simplilearn said, “For the past decade, Simplilearn has provided online blended learning programs to accelerate skills acquisition in the information security sector. We are extremely delighted and honored to have been chosen as a winner of the EC-Council ATC of the Year Award, for the fourth time since 2014 and the third year in a row. We will continue our commitment to enhancing the knowledge and skills of professionals in this crucial industry long into the future.”

Previously, Simplilearn received the EC-Council Circle of Excellence Award in 2018, 2017, and 2014, and the Best Newcomer award in 2013.

Titan Eyeplus Forays into Smart Eyewear with Skyfly Mutrics Smart Eyewear

In its endeavour to offer quality international standards to its consumers, Titan Eyeplus, India’s leading optical brand, introduces Skyfly Mutrics Smart eye wear to India in association with Skyfly. With this launch, Titan Eye plus ventures into the world of Smart Eyewear and continues to redefine standards in product design and technology with Skyfly Mutrics Smart Audio Sunglasses. The trends in today’s world incline towards technology with consumers on the look-out for innovative products. The world is on their finger tips and life is made easier via a tap. Titan Eyeplus presents Smart Audio Sunglasses by Skyfly in the country, where consumers are growing tech savvy by every minute. Technological innovation and consumer satisfaction at Titan Eyeplus is the backbone of all new launches and partnerships.

The revolutionary glasses from Skyfly are a culmination of research and study and therefore it is a well-thought out product. Every feature in the product is thoughtfully designed. For instance, besides being an ideal eyewear companion for an active chic lifestyle, it is also designed to be compact and light-weight. The Smart Audio Sunglasses are equipped with innovative Open-ear concept which allows the user to listen to music and still be aware of her/his environment. Tech enthusiast can make their day a sonic adventure with these cool multi coloured sunglasses featuring Qualcomm Bluetooth 5.0 and 8-hour playtime. Convenience is at the core of the products’ D&A. The In-built Mic, for instance, enables users to access Siri and the Google Assistant and, also answer calls on the go.

Shalini Gupta, Marketing Head at Titan Eyeplus on their association with Skyfly said, “Titan Eyeplus as a futuristic optical chain understands evolving consumer needs. Today’s consumers want to experiment with their look and keep technology central to their lifestyle. With SKYFLY MUTRICS Smart eyewear we bridge this gap and exclusively bring to India a product which focuses on innovation and quality. Skyfly Mutrics is fashion-forward eyewear brand and the products combine stylish and utility. These are not just a product of technological innovation but also good quality sunglasses with UV 400 protection.”

Prabhat Maheshwari, the co-founder of Skyfly, who spent considerable time on research and to put together a range of products to address consumers’ desire and requirements, said, “We are excited to launch Skyfly as a brand for consumers who aspire to own smart and innovative technology products. The Sunglasses is the first of many such futuristic products that millions of people can afford and enjoy. Titan Eyeplus is a natural partner given their focus on unique eyewear products, brand equity with retail and online reach across India.” He further added, “Consumers in the Middle East, Africa, Europe and the US will shortly be able to experience and buy Skyfly products in the coming months.”


The Sunglasses have lenses with UV 400 protection which not only help keep the sun out of eyes but also make them the best accessory for your daily activities. Inter changeable lenses lets one customize their pair of sunglasses. The Skyfly Mutrics Smart Audio Sunglasses are exclusively marketed in India by Titan Eyeplus and are available in all Titan Eyeplus Store and Titan Eyeplus website from October. Rush out to own the playful and fashionable accessory of the year. And it does not pinch your pocket at only Rs 9999/.


·         UV 400 protection
·         Near- Field Surround Sound system and virtual base enhancing algorithm
·         Qualcomm Bluetooth 5.0
·         Hands Free calling
·         Inbuilt Mic
·         8 hour play time

Accenture Implements 5G and Fiber Strategies with Launch of New Cloud-Based Network Decision Platform

Accenture has launched its Network Decision Platform, a cloud-based solution that provides communications network operators with an integrated, end-to-end view of fifth-generation (5G), fiber and traditional mobile communications services.

Leveraging big data, analytics and artificial intelligence (AI), the platform is designed to help mobile, cable and wireline operators prioritize and calibrate network investment, planning, deployment, customer acquisition, migration and intelligent service support.

The data from the Network Decision Platform provides network operators with a variety of insights, such as how to optimally deploy their network assets to offer a compelling 5G service. Wireline and cable operators can also leverage the platform to identify where to expand their fiber networks as a source for growth, and how best to compete with emerging 5G services.

“A new wave of network investment is upon us, as the race to 5G intensifies and network providers seek to evolve their footprint,” said Tejas Rao, managing director and global 5G lead for Accenture’s network practice. “Employing data analytics and visualization tools, our Network Decision Platform helps operators identify where to deploy capital efficiently, accelerate deployment timelines and calibrate their business case metrics. When combined with operational data, this can provide operators with a 360-degree view of their return on investment, deployment and operations.”

“5G will provide new growth opportunities and spur innovations for the digital economy,” said Aditya Chaudhuri, managing director and lead for Accenture’s Communications, Media & Technology practice in India. “To succeed in the 5G era, network providers will need to address several operational implications across the business ecosystem including those of investment and security. The new platform will help operators combine the power of data analytics and digital technologies for informative, insights driven decisions.”

The scalable platform takes advantage of access to a wealth of third-party data, public data, AI and machine learning to drive efficient and accurate decision-making and to automate parts of the deployment processes. Offered as a managed service or other flexible solutions based on individual operator needs, the Network Decision Platform enables clients to maintain a limited cost of ownership and to achieve results – for example, where to deploy and how to monetize the networks - in as little as six to eight weeks. 

Underwriters Laboratories Announces Winners of the National Safety Science Quiz

Underwriters Laboratories (UL), a safety science organization dedicated to advancing public safety, announced the winners of its National Safety Science Quiz (NSSQ). Designed for students of classes eight to class ten, the NSSQ gamifies the concept of safety by demonstrating to students that “Safety is a Science.” It sensitizes students to the everyday public safety challenges that surround them: road safety, cyber safety, fire hazards, etc. and empowers them with knowledge about the solutions to deal with these challenges.

Ambuja Rani and Subash Singh from Ryan International School and Varun.J and Rohan Jacob from Sri Kumaran's Children's Home (CBSE) beat other teams to claim the first prize. Students that successfully completed an online test were eligible for the NSSQ. Apart from Bengaluru, the NSSQ is being held in Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Kolkata, Guwahati, Dehradun and Chandigarh.

The NSSQ is part of the National Safety Science Campaign (NSSC). Besides the quiz, NSSC comprises an online poster contest for school students of classes four to seven on safety themes and a film contest for students in the age groups of 16 to 25 years old about safety initiatives undertaken by them or others in their community. Activities at a local level to further safety science knowledge and awareness, such as train-the-trainer program for teachers and Safety Clubs for students, are part of the NSSC.

The NSSC was conceived as an aftermath of many accidents in different parts of the country that were avoidable with timely interventions. There is an imminent need to create substantial change in the area of public safety by increasing awareness in India. As children are the future, it is important to begin the conversation with them. This campaign is a significant step in that direction.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Shopmatic Partners with PayU to Enjoy Simplified Payment Acceptance Across Devices

International e-commerce company, Shopmatic has inked a strategic partnership with India’s leading online payment solutions provider, PayU. This partnership is meant to provide Shopmatic merchants with yet another option to accept payments from their customers when they sell their products. This integration has enabled Shopmatic merchants to accept payments from customers, seamlessly and from multiple channels, devices, and modes, on a single platform.

Shoppers today prefer the flexibility to leverage a wide gamut of payment options, for making purchases online. Shopmatic will, therefore, help their merchants leverage multiple payment options on their ecommerce web stores by integrating with PayU; these include payment acceptance via UPI - Google Pay, Phone Pe, Bhim, as well as eWallets, Debit and Credit cards, Netbanking.

Ensuring a seamless experience, PayU will provide merchants with access to a powerful dashboard for managing all transactions and tracking business performance on the go.

Commenting on the association, Anurag Avula, Co-Founder & CEO, Shopmatic, said, “We are delighted to partner with PayU and extend a seamless and hassle-free experience for payment acceptance for our sellers.  The PayU onboarding experience is simple, quick and provides an extensive suite of payment methods. Partnering with PayU continues to cement our promise to our merchants to make ecommerce completely easy and friction-free. Shopmatic will continue to partner with established brands that strengthens our ecosystem and aid in driving digital success for our merchants.”

Noopur Chaturvedi, Country Head, Small and Medium Businesses, PayU said, “As an industry leader, we are constantly looking for ways to make the payment experience simpler & effective for the merchants in India, accelerating their growth in the digital ecosystem. We are delighted to partner with Shopmatic to extend instant and easy omnichannel payments solutions to its merchants. Through this partnership with Shopmatic, we are powering the ambitions of the small and medium merchants. We are confident that our innovative payments solutions will simplify payment processes for Shopmatic’s merchant partners.”

The integration with PayU will also provide Shopmatic merchants with omnichannel refund modules, assisting them with bulk refunds for both, online and offline transactions. They will also be able to track all the refunds through a single dashboard. Apart from the wide ranging payment offerings, the partnership will also enable Shopmatic merchants with a quick, easy and convenient onboarding process.

Over the past 6 months, Shopmatic has acquired over 260,000 new customers on its platform and is on track to acquiring 500,000  customers  in FY2019.

ClearTax Acquires Dose FM to Strengthen Mobile Capabilities to SMEs and Individuals Segments

ClearTax, India’s #1 Tax & Investing platform today announced that it has acquired a Bangalore-based audio streaming platform Dose FM for an undisclosed amount to spur its dominance in fintech segments and become a one-stop-shop for financial needs of individuals and MSMEs. The acquisition will bolster ClearTax’s mobile capabilities and will enable it to rapidly build accounting, analytics and governance products to expedite its mission to solve financial problems of MSMEs and individuals.

Businesses in India have leapfrogged from desktop to mobile and ClearTax understands this shift. Business owners and individuals are increasingly adopting mobile products for day to day business and financial planning.

Founded in January 2018 by Abhishek Damodara, Rishabh Harit and Akhil Appana, Dose FM helped thousands of Indians to create and stream live audio shows with significant adoption in Tier 2 cities. “With experience in building consumer products for the Indian market, we resonated with Cleartax’s mission of building mobile-first solutions that will impact crores of Indian business owners and help simplify their lives,'' said Abhishek Damodara, CEO, and founder of Dose FM.

Archit Gupta, Founder & CEO, ClearTax, said, “With small businesses comprising a staggering 99.6% of total businesses across India, ClearTax will soon introduce best-in-class solutions focussed on solving their accounting, analytics and governance problems.”

“And Dose FM will help us expand our offerings. The purpose of this acquisition is to utilize the team’s potential to build mobile focussed products for simplifying financial lives of businesses and individuals,” he said.

NetApp Excellerator Launches 5th Cohort with Five Start-Ups with Focus on Cloud, AI and Machine Learning

NetApp, a leader in data management and hybrid cloud, has announced the launch of its fifth cohort of start-ups as part of NetApp Excellerator, the company’s flagship accelerator program. The start-ups were selected based on how their products and solutions could be aligned with NetApp’s business to deliver powerful solutions to customers. The award- winning NetApp Excellerator program has mentored 24 start-ups through its previous four cohorts and is set to accelerate a new batch of data-driven enterprises.

CloudSEK,, Lightwing, Coralogix and Curl Analytics are the five data-driven start-ups that have made it to the fifth cohort of this program. In line with NetApp’s expertise, the core technology for all these start-ups is data. It is the rocket fuel for Artificial Intelligence, which these start-ups are employing in fintech, cyber security, conversational AI, digital risk management and machine learning-powered log analytics and IoT solutions for industrial automation.

The presence of Coralogix, an Israel-based startup, in cohort 5 re-establishes NetApp Excellerator’s global reach and position as a sought-after, high-impact startup accelerator program. While Coralogix brings with it experiences of the vibrant and thriving start-up community of Israel, NetApp Excellerator’s diverse offerings will help cohort 5 start-ups build a strong technology foundation for their business.

NetApp has formed strategic alliance partnerships with eight select start-ups from previous cohorts to co-create solutions and go-to-market with them. FirstHive, Cardiotrack, ZScore, Scalend, BlobCity, SigTuple, Nanobi and SecurelyShare are the strategic alliance partners from the strong alumni network of the program. The current cohort will witness the launch of an evolved model where select start-ups will build paid proof-of-concepts (POCs) with NetApp, which gives the start-ups a platform to prove the potential of their solutions in the real-world.
Commenting on the impact value of the program, Madhurima Agarwal, Leader, NetApp Excellerator, said, “Our start-up accelerator program is attracting new-age disruptive companies from around the world and that is a proof of the value we have added to our alumni, enabling them to create tangible commercial success with respect to funding, customer acquisitions and successful exits. Now, we are at an inflection point in this accelerator journey, where we will focus on paid proof-of-concepts with select start-ups, giving them avenues to evaluate themselves and demonstrate the business and technology viability of their product or solution. This will lead to stronger go-to-market opportunities for them.”

Since its inception, the accelerator program has been disrupting the start-up ecosystem to drive growth of the B2B start-ups in the niche data-driven market led by AI, ML, IoT and advanced tech.

Deepak Visweswaraiah, Senior Vice President and Managing Director, NetApp India believes the NetApp Excellerator journey reflects NetApp’s commitment and involvement in innovating for the future. “There are newer problems emerging in the market that require ability and agility of solutions. It is exciting to jointly embark on a quest with a diverse set of data-driven start-ups with unconventional ideas to drive business results for customers. The founders of the 5th cohort are extremely passionate and driven. We will provide resources to help them make breakthroughs in products, streamline the go-to-market strategy, rapidly scale the customer-base and secure investments.”

During the four-month program, each of the cohort 5 start-ups will receive technical and business mentorship and support to develop market ready products and solutions, access to NetApp’s technologies, a co-working space and HR, legal and tech support. In addition, the start-ups will be given networking opportunities with potential investors, partners, and customers. NetApp will sponsor a POC or offer an equity free grant of $15,000 to the graduating start-ups.

Novozymes Sets Up Manufacturing Plant in Patalganga Industrial Area Near Mumbai

To cater to the growing India and South-East Asia markets, Novozymes will build a new production and supply chain facility near Mumbai.

To accommodate business growth and a consequent increase in production and supply chain needs, Novozymes has obtained land on a long-term lease in the Patalganga industrial area near Mumbai on India’s west coast. With an initial investment of approximately DKK 300 million (Rs. 300 crore) the company plans to establish a new enzyme production and supply chain facility that is expected to be ready for operation in 2018 and will employ 150 people in the first phase.

“We see a big opportunity in India and South-East Asia, where knowledge-based innovations in the field of industrial enzymes can effectively replace polluting chemical processes and deliver environmental sustainability,” says Thomas Videbæk, Executive Vice President & COO, Research, Innovation & Supply at Novozymes. “Our business in the region has been growing strongly for years, to a point where we have outgrown current facilities and need to expand for the future. We have chosen the new area for its size, proximity to customers, future business opportunities and good accessibility to ports, airports, highways and other industrial infrastructure.”

The new plant will produce enzymes using solid state fermentation and will also formulate enzymes imported from Novozymes’ production sites outside India. At present, the key business areas for Novozymes in India are the household care, textiles, food & beverages, oil & fats, baking, and beverage alcohol markets.

Two sites in India going forward

Novozymes has been present in India since 1983 and currently occupies three sites in Bangalore in India’s southern State of Karnataka. The solid state fermentation and supply chain operations for the region will now move to the new production site near Mumbai, while all other functions will remain in Bangalore, including Novozymes’ Indian Head Office, Research & Development center and the service centers which provide support to global operations.

“We will maintain some of our key functions in Bangalore, which has proven to be a great base for pushing sustainable, biological solutions to India and beyond,” continues Videbæk. “From now on, we will have two main sites in the country, and as we discover more Asian opportunities for our solutions, we look forward to developing both our presence in Bangalore and Mumbai.”

Novozymes' R&D Bangalore Centre Develops Eco-Friendly Enzyme Based Detergents for Global Markets

Novozymes’s R&D center in Bangalore was established in 2006, and today with nearly 100 R&D and application scientists, it has now grown into a key center for global discovery and applications within the company. The R&D laboratory has established top notch competency in protein (enzyme) engineering enabling development of next generation enzyme/products for global customers across different industries.

Novozymes supports >30 different industries with biological solutions (enzymes and microbes). The industry players are constantly innovating to address the changing needs of their customers and consumers, and Novozymes works closely with such industries to support the changing needs in the market place. The most recent innovation from the Bangalore lab is a new enzyme product that makes it easier for liquid detergent global customers to remove stubborn laundry stains, in a more specific manner and in a sustainable way.

The protein engineering team in Bangalore develops and optimizes enzyme molecules, customized for specific customer applications, and works closely with other global sites at Novozymes, including Denmark, China and the U.S., for further enzyme product development, including, upscaling, fermentation and recovery, and formulation development, to commercialize enzymes into global products such as the new Mannaway®.

It is an enzyme for household care industry with expert stain removal technology designed for global markets. Mannaway 200 L is an exceptionally tough mannanase, that excels in these tough environments. It breaks down the guar and locust bean gums that are used as thickeners and stabilizers in a wide variety of foods. Food stains containing these gums are difficult to remove and leave sticky.

Novozymes’ purpose and long-term targets are inspired by the SDGs. Novozymes spokesperson said, “The sustainable nature of our solutions means that we contribute to achieving the SDGs every day. We assess the potential impact on the SDGs for all the projects in our innovation pipeline. This enables us to advance solutions that have the potential to have a high impact on the SDGs. In 2018, Novozymes set up the SDG Governance Board made up of members of our senior leadership team, to build a shared understanding of SDG opportunities and risks, and to ensure that this knowledge is embedded in corporate strategy and targets. The SDG Governance Board consists of an Impact Board and a Foundation Board.”

GojeFounder and Former CEO, Nadiem Makarim Appointed Indonesia’s Minister of Education and Culture

Gojek founder and former CEO, Nadiem Makarim has today been appointed to a role within the Indonesian government as Minister of Education and Culture.

Nadiem’s departure from Gojek has seen Kevin Aluwi and Andre Soelistyo take over responsibility for running the company as co-CEOs, with a focus on ensuring the long term sustainability of the business. Nadiem, Andre and Kevin have been running the business together for a number of years, which will ensure that this leadership transition will run smoothly.

Nadiem’s news was communicated in an email to all Gojek staff that was sent today. In the email, he looked back on how the company has grown over the past nine years and also set out his hopes for the future of the business:

“We started this company with nothing, other than a deep desire to change things for the better. We saw that the streets of Jakarta were a mess and that there was an informal community of ojek drivers who could easily act as a huge part of the solution to that mess, if only they were organised and working efficiently.

“With just that initial desire to improve life for everyone, as well as a large amount of support from countless friends, partners and stakeholders, we’ve created Gojek. An iconic company that flies the flag for the future of Indonesia and Southeast Asia.

“I will leave Gojek in the capable hands of Andre Soelistyo and Kevin Aluwi as co-CEOs, both of whom have played central roles in moving the company along its path from that office in South Jakarta onto the global stage.

“We got very lucky as we progressed along that path, but I believe that luck in business only really becomes a valuable commodity if you have the brilliant minds needed to take advantage of it. Kevin and Andre have mentored me to be the leader I am today. They are quite simply Gojek’s best. They have been running this company for a number of years and I have complete faith not just in their technical skills and ability to execute flawlessly, but also in their integrity and their desire to do the right thing every step of the way.

“High emotions are involved in running a company like Gojek but Andre and Kevin are always the steady voices of reason, approaching problems with intelligence and compassion. I couldn’t ask for better successors as the Gojek movement begins its next stage of growth.”

A joint statement released by Andre and Kevin said: “When a friend and mentor leaves a business you have built together, there is always going to be some sadness, but we are both determined that Gojek will go from strength to strength. We will continue to implement our vision as we focus on what the Gojek of the next ten years is going to be like.

“This company has changed the lives of so many people in Indonesia and around the region, and our key priority is to ensure that we can continue to act as a positive force in society for the foreseeable future.”

Under Andre and Kevin’s management, Gojek has grown exponentially, to process over two billion transactions a year. The company’s fundraising efforts have attracted some of the world’s most exciting companies including Google, Tencent, Mitsubishi, Visa, AIA and Astra, with Series F set to raise well over US$2bn. The company has also launched operations in Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam, while the Gojek app has become the most-used on-demand application in Indonesia, where its food and payments businesses have overtaken transport to become the largest businesses within the group.

With the new structure, Andre will focus on corporate functions and management of capital allocation, international expansion as well as the payments and financial services businesses, while Kevin will focus on the product development elements of the Gojek business as well as marketing, organisational development and the transportation and food delivery businesses.

Since co-founding Gojek, Kevin has held significant leadership roles across product and functional teams within the organisation. He has used his background in Business Intelligence to pioneer the use of data for decision-making across the Gojek business. He has also assembled deep technology expertise across the data, engineering and product teams, with a focus on enhancing the platform’s overall user experience. Prior to his role at Gojek, Kevin spent time at Zalora Indonesia, Merah Putih Incubator and Salem Partners.

Similarly, Andre has played a pivotal role in laying a solid foundation for Gojek’s rapid growth. He has overseen over US$4bn of fundraising, which attracted key investors such as Google, Tencent, Astra, KKR and Warburg Pincus. He has also laid the foundation for the company’s business strategy for long term sustainability. Prior to joining Gojek, Andre was an Executive Director at Northstar Group - Indonesia’s largest private equity fund, and was previously the Head of Corporate Finance at Delta Dunia Makmur.

Emirates Ushers in Festive Season by Treating Passengers to an Array of Sweet and Savoury Delicacies

In celebration of Diwali, Emirates will be offering its passengers a variety of special treats that are synonymous with celebration of the festival of lights. During the Diwali festive period from 25 October 2019 to 31 October 2019, the airline will be serving a colourful and aromatic array of traditional Indian sweets and savoury meals, which will be made available onboard its flights departing from and travelling to India, as well as in selected airport lounges worldwide.

Economy Class passengers will be served sumptuous Motichoor Laddu garnished with silver leaf and delightful pistachio. Passengers travelling on First and Business Class will be able to enjoy delicious Dry fruit Tribhuj along with Motichoor Laddu.

At its airport lounges in Dubai, Delhi, Cape Town, Johannesburg and Kuala Lumpur, Emirates will offer frequent flyers as well as First and Business Class passengers special festive dishes that include traditional sweets and savoury dishes on 27 October – the concluding day of the festival.

For passengers at the Emirates lounge at Delhi International Airport, the airline will offer them an assortment of Indian cashew sweets, along with rich Motichoor Rabri topped with pistachio nuts.

Meanwhile, the Emirates lounge at Dubai International Airport will serve crispy-fried Mini Dal Kachori and Mini Punjabi Samosa. For dessert, the lounge will serve the sweet and succulent Angoori Rabdi paired with Motichoor Laddu.

Passengers at the Emirates lounge in Cape Town International Airport and O.R. Tambo International Airport (JNB) can enjoy scrumptious Jalebi, along with Barfi, a favourite, and Nankhatai, a popular snack.

At the Kuala Lumpur International Airport, the Emirates lounge will serve Biryani rice with golden fried raisins and nuts. The lounge will also serve Chapati that is paired with sweet and sour spicy roasted pumpkin, in addition to flavourful chicken curry with sweet potato.

Beyond the culinary offerings, Emirates is ushering in Diwali on ice, the airline’s award-winning inflight entertainment system with 4,500 channels. During the festive period, passengers across all cabins can watch popular Bollywood movies, including recent hits such as Uri, Gold, Veere di Wedding, Stree and popular TV shows such as Koffee with Karan and Kanpur Waale Khuranas. Additionally, Emirates is offering its passengers up to 20MB of complimentary Wi-Fi to help them stay connected with friends and family during the festive season.

Much like its home the United Arab Emirates – which recently marked 2019 as the Year of Tolerance – Emirates connects and embraces diverse global cultures, in recognition of the significant role that air transport plays in bridging communities and fostering understanding. As a global airline, Emirates has been delighting customers’ palates with regionally inspired cuisine, and special seasonal menus for celebrating global cultures on its flights. Whether it is Diwali, Holi, Chinese New Year, Ramadan, Easter, Oktoberfest, or any other festivals, Emirates celebrates them with equal fervour to create lasting, memorable experiences for passengers travelling far from home.

Grand Master Akshar Launches Centuries-Old Himalayan Yogic Secrets in Yoga Namaskar Book

Grand Master Akshar – a globally renowned Yogapreneur and Spiritual Guru has launched the ‘Yoga Namaskar book’ to unveil yogic secrets of the Himalayas. The book covers the little-known YOGA NAMASKARS. The majestic Himalayas, also known as the birth place and eternal home of Yoga, holds many treasured secrets related to yoga that are yet to be revealed to mankind. The 296-page book, published by Dorling Kindersley- Penguin Random House offers never-before-heard yoga lessons from the Himalayas, is a must-have for yoga enthusiasts and instructors. Learn Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation), Chandra Namaskar (Moon Salutation), Prithvi Namaskar (Earth Salutation), Vayu Namaskar (Air Salutation), Agni Namaskar (Fire Salutation), Akash Namaskar (Universe/Space Salutation), and Jal Namaskar (Water Salutation). The book can be easily availed from leading online stores.

According to Grand Master Akshar, “This book is the first installment from a series (of books) which will reveal the secrets of Yoga that the world has never seen. Yoga is a way to attain spirituality, and I would like to spread the wealth of India’s ancient science across the globe and share the fruits with everyone.”

The Yogic process is more than a physical or mental practice – it is a deep-rooted culture which nourishes the spirit. To connect with the Tattvas or elements, nature, the physical, and the metaphysical is the endeavour of any spirit. Through the mechanism of asanas, the flow of prana, the stillness of dhyan, and the focus of dharna, any individual can evolve to a higher spiritual plane. The book unveils in-depth information of highly beneficial yogic processes.

“Yogis must grow and evolve in their practice every day to become complete. The more they fill themselves with the teachings and practices of yoga, the closer they are to perfection. In the culture of yoga, it is believed that when a person bows, they become a receptacle for blessings, virtues, and goodness. The more you bow to various forces, the more your spirit accumulates”, added Grand Master Akshar.

Hyundai Launches New SANTRO Anniversary Edition Offered in Sportz MT and AMT Variants

Hyundai Motor India Ltd, India’s First Smart Mobility Solutions Provider and largest exporter since inception, today announced the introduction of the SANTRO Anniversary Edition to celebrate the 1st Anniversary of India’s Favourite Family Car.

The Anniversary Edition will be a limited edition based on two variants – Sportz MT and AMT, in – Aqua Teal and Polar White colours. 

Commenting on the launch of the Special Anniversary Edition of the New SANTRO, Mr. Vikas Jain, National Sales Head, Hyundai Motor India Limited said, “The SANTRO is a prestigious and legendary brand in India that has gone on to craft numerous milestones over the last two decades. To celebrate the First Anniversary of SANTRO, we are glad to announce the Anniversary Edition of SANTRO with various new features further enhancing customer experience and happiness. The Anniversary edition will entice our customers and continue to strengthen SANTRO’s legacy on the pillars of Global Technology, Stylish Design and World Class Features.

The SANTRO is developed to meet the needs of Indian Families with a focus to create a “Masterpiece Product” offering customers a great ownership experience.

Rubrik Opens Bengaluru R&D Center to Solve Cloud Data Management Challenges for Global Enterprises

Rubrik, the Multi-Cloud Data Control Company, today announced the opening of a new and expanded Bangalore R&D center, to accommodate Rubrik’s rapidly growing global engineering team. To commemorate the new center, Rubrik CEO Bipul Sinha and Board Advisor John Chambers attended the opening ceremony on October 22.

“With the new R&D center, Rubrik is proving it’s unique dual development center strategy and strengthening strategic business and trade ties between the US and India,” said John Chambers, Board Advisor of Rubrik. “As Rubrik expands to remedy data management pain points for global enterprises, we expect Rubrik Bangalore to continue to attract the very best technical talent.” 

As global businesses pursue Digital Transformation and Cloud, demand for Rubrik’s industry defining Data Management solution has grown significantly. Rubrik’s Bangalore R&D Center is a strategic investment for the company, with a focus on key products. Rubrik has also invested in resources in Bangalore to address the Global System Integrator (GSI) ecosystem.

“Investing and growing our capabilities and our business in the Indian market is a strategic step to ensuring we can develop the best solutions possible for our customers,” said Bipul Sinha, co-founder and CEO of Rubrik. “Rubrik’s new R&D center will allow us to reach top global engineering and product talent as we strive to support and address customers’ most pressing data management challenges.”

On the heels of recognition as a leader in the Forrester Wave for Data Resiliency Solutions, top 10 on the highly competitive Forbes Cloud 100 List and the release of a joint solution with NetApp, Rubrik’s new R&D center is a strategic next step in continued innovation and product development for global enterprise customers’ data management challenges. Rubrik has grown the Indian team to over 250 employees across engineering, sales, IT services, customer support, HR and finance.

Additional Quotes:

“Our expanding Bangalore center is not only a regional success story for technology innovation, but also a reflection of our success in building relationships and solving complex problems for GSIs and enterprise businesses in India” said Kamal Brar, Rubrik VP of APJ Rubrik.

“The R&D team in India is a key contributor to Rubrik’s global product development,” said Ashish Gupta, Rubrik VP Engineering and Head of India R&D. “The India team has helped solve some of the largest and most cutting-edge engineering problems across all sides of the business and are critical to the company’s success.”

Over 81,300 Unsold Homes are Ready for Possession in Top 7 Cities


* As on Q3 2019 end, 6.56 lakh units were unsold across the top 7 cities - nearly 12% are ready-to-move-in
* MMR has maximum ready homes with approx. 21,000 units, followed by NCR with 16,800 units & Pune with 14,260 units
* In Chennai, nearly 32% of total unsold inventory is ready-to-move-in; 17% in Bangalore; NCR & MMR have just 9% each of unsold ready homes in their overall unsold stock
* Of total 81,300 ready homes, 35% are in the affordable segment while 13% (approx. 10,000 units) in premium segment priced >INR 1.5 Crore

Homebuyers seeking ready-to-move-in properties in the ongoing festive quarter are spoiled for choice. ANAROCK research indicates that nearly 81,300 unsold homes are currently ready-to-move-in across the top 7 cities. As on Q3 2019 end, approx. 6.56 lakh units were lying unsold across the top 7 cities and out of this nearly 12% are ready to be occupied.

Anuj Puri, Chairman - ANAROCK Property Consultants says, "Among the top 7 cities, MMR has the maximum ready unsold stock equalling nearly 21,000 units, followed by NCR which has nearly 16,800 unsold ready units and Pune with 14,260 ready units. In the South, Bangalore and Chennai have an almost equal number of ready unsold supply with 10,640 units and 10,160 units respectively. Kolkata has 5,620 ready unsold homes, and Hyderabad has the least ready stock with about 2,520 unsold units. Hyderabad also has the least overall unsold stock (of 23,890 units) among the top 7 cities."

Interestingly, on studying the overall share of the ready units out of the total unsold stock in each of these cities, Chennai tops out - of the total 31,380 unsold units in the city (as on September 2019) 32% is ready-to-move-in (approx. 10,160 units). Bangalore follows with nearly 10,640 units ready for possession out of a total 63,540 units - a 17% share. In Pune, nearly 15% of the total unsold stock - nearly 14,260 units of 92,560 unsold units - are ready-to-move. In Hyderabad and Kolkata, the share of ready stock among total unsold stock is 11% and 13% respectively.

Ready Homes: Budget Analysis

The data of current ready unsold inventory across top 7 cities reveals that the maximum ready stock is in the affordable segment priced
Nearly 35% (approx. 28,830 units) of the total 81,300 unsold ready units are in the affordable bracket (priced < INR 40 lakhs). MMR and Pune have the maximum ready affordable stock with 9,730 units and 5,990 units respectively.

In the mid-segment (homes priced within INR 40-80 lakhs) approx. 26,180 units - or 32% - of unsold stock is ready-to-move-in. Bangalore, Pune and NCR have the maximum ready units in the mid-segment with approx. 5,300 units, 5,140 units and 5,060 units respectively.

Nearly 20% of around 16,290 ready unsold units in the top 7 cities are priced within INR 80 lakhs to INR 1.5 Crore. MMR, NCR and Pune collectively have more than 10,170 ready units in this budget range.

Nearly 10,000 units across top 7 cities are in the luxury and ultra-luxury segments priced > INR 1.5 Crore. Not surprisingly, MMR and NCR have maximum ready unsold stock in the luxury and ultra-luxury segments. Together, they account for nearly 66% of the total 10,000 available ready units.

Top Micro-markets with Ready Supply

The prominent micro-markets with generous ready unsold stock in the top 7 cities are:

·         MMR - Badlapur, Palghar and Virar have nearly 3,060 ready unsold units
·         NCR - Central Noida, Greater Noida West and Yamuna Expressway have more than 7,270 units that are ready-to-move-in.
·         Bangalore - the prominent IT hubs of Whitefield, Electronic City and Sarjapur Road collectively have more than 2,810 unsold ready units
·         Pune - Balewadi, Talegaon Dabhade and Wagholi have ready unsold inventory of nearly 2,830 units.
·         Hyderabad - Gachibowli, Kondapur and Narsingi have approx. 1,040 units that are ready-to-move-in.
·         Chennai - Iyyappanthangal, OMR and Perambur have around 4,450 unsold ready units.
·         Kolkata - Maheshtala, Rajarhat and Rajpur Sonarpur have more than 2,290 ready unsold units.

Hiperdist Partners with ONGO Framework to Provide its Patrons Digital Transformation with Minimum CapEx and Fast Go-to Market

Hiperdist Partners with ONGO Framework to Provide its Patrons Digital Transformation with Minimum CapEx and Fast Go-to Market

To further catalyze the digital adoption amongst global enterprises, ONGO Framework has partnered with Hiperdist, one of the leading IT solutions vendor based out of UAE. The strategic partnership will enable Hiperdist to extend ONGO Framework’s cutting-edge solutions to its customers including Digital Transformation – a comprehensive suite for Web/App Development, CRM, ERP, and Marketing/Branding).

In an interactive session with the audience at the recently-concluded GITEX Conference, Dubai, Santosh Sansare (GM, Hiperdist) and Rama Kuppa (Founder & CEO, ONGO Framework) revealed their plans to expand the IT distributor ecosystem with value added services like Digital Transformation which are innovative and unique in concept and execution.

Hiperdist is one of the fastest-growing value-added distributor of Microsoft, Alibaba Cloud and Palo Alto in UAE and Africa. It has partnered with ONGO Framework to focus on "enabling digital transformation" to businesses.

While showcasing its digital technology capabilities at the event, Santosh Sanare (GM, Hiperdist) said, "At GITEX this year, we focused on how we could enable digital transformation for the market. We highlighted our readiness to the channel via our marketplace of application delivery partners, such as ONGO. Leveraging these partners, we believe we can bring value to our partners, while empowering them to migrate to the cloud easily.”

On his part, Rama Kuppa, Founder & CEO, ONGO Framework explained to the audience how ONGO revolves around the thought process that “A business should focus only on its growth and not on the complexities of technologies involved in it. ONGO offers you need-based Digital Transformation, which is customizable, scalable and affordable.”

Broadly, Rama defined the scope of the Framework in four integral points. Firstly, it decreases the development work by 60 to 90 percent and equips businesses with a quick go-to market strategy. Secondly, it adds zero to negligible CapEx for them. Further, there are no upfront expenses. The billing is based on Framework-as-a-Service cost, which may start as low as USD 5 as per the predefined services. Lastly, it offers enterprises with complete customization according to the needs of their unique business model. 

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