Thursday, February 9, 2017

Asus Opens its Third Gaming Store in Bengaluru; To Host Gaming Tournament on Feb 11-12, 2017

Asus’s Republic of Gamers has launched their flagship store in Bangalore, India in a partnership with ‘Amogha Computer Needs’. Republic Of Gamers, India’s leading gaming brand has already opened two other stores in Kolkata and Bhubaneshwar and the Bangalore store is their largest one yet, with an area of 800 square feet. The store will also hold a gaming tournament for students on February 11-12, 2017.

The store is equipped with a ‘Battle Ground’ where a total of 10 gamers can compete with each other. 
What's unique about this store is that you will not only be able to purchase high-end gaming hardware and accessories but you will actually get hands-on experience of the device as well.

So if you are a gamer then you can visit the store to experience the latest devices, game titles, and accessories that the company is offering. You can also purchase different PCs and accessories from the store after experience it. Arnold Su, National Sales Manager (ASUS India) who was present during the opening of the store stated, "Since Bangalore is the IT hub of India, it is one of the important destinations for ASUS and we have decided to launch our store in the region."

Su further added, "The key motive of the store is to encourage local gamers to have a dynamic experience and witness the true power of Republic Of Gamers." "We won't charge anyone for gaming on our systems." ASUS now has a total of three stores in India. And in the coming days, it looks like the company is aiming to introduce more stores across major Indian cities such as Delhi, Mumbai, and others. Besides, Su highlighted that "In India, the gaming scene including gaming laptops and desktops has been growing by 30 per cent year-on-year." While the situation is improving, ASUS India is also planning to capture 50 percent share of the gaming laptops market in India this year.

Asus to host Gaming Tournament in Bengaluru

Also, the store is hosting a gaming tournament this February 11 and 12. So if you are in Bangalore and interested, you can head over to the store and try your luck at winning some exciting prizes. Asus ROG Will organise Counter Strike: Global Offensive gaming tournament at the new store. The store in is 33rd Cross, Jayanagar 4th T Block and the prize to be won amounts to Rs 1,40,000. About 300 team of students from 16-25 years are expected to take part and official indicate 5-6 such tournaments to be held each quarter. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Now Cheaper and Easier Method to Turn Salt Water into Drinkable Fresh Water

An Indian-American student has found a cheaper and easier method to turn salt water into drinkable fresh water and his research has caught the attention of major technology firms and universities. Chaitanya Karamchedu from Portland, Oregon, is turning heads across the country all because of a science experiment that began in his high school classroom.

 The Jesuit High School Senior told KPTV that he has big plans of changing the world. “1in8peopledonothaveaccess to clean water, it’ sacrying issue that needs to be addressed,” said Karamchedu.

He made up his mind to address the matter himself. “The best access for water is the sea, so 70% of the planet is covered in water and almost all of that is the ocean, but the problem is that’s salt water,” said Karamchedu. Isolating drinkable water from the ocean in a cost effective way is a problem that has stumped scientists for years. “Scientists looked at desalination, but it’s all still in accessible top laces and it would cost too much to implement on a largescale,”Karamchedu said. Karamchedu figured it out, on his own, in a high school lab. “The real genesis of the idea was realising that sea water is not fully saturated with salt,” he was quoted as saying. By experimenting with a highly absorbent polymer, he discovered a cost effective way to remove salt from ocean water and turn it into freshwater. “It’s not bonding with water molecules, it’s bonding to the salt,” said Karamchedu.

“People have been looking at the problem from one view point, how do we break those bonds between salt and the water? Chai came in and thought about it from a completely different angle,” said Jesuit High School Biology Teacher Dr. Lara Shamieh. “People were concentrated on that 10% of water that’s bonded to the salt in the sea and no one looked at the 90% that was free. Chai just looked at it and said if 10% is bonded and 90% is free, then why are we so focused on this 10%, let’s ignore it and focus on the 90,” said Shamieh.

It is a breakthrough that is estimated to impact millions of lives if ever implemented on a mass scale. “What this is compared to current techniques, is that it’s cheap and accessible to everyone, everyone can use it,” said Shamieh. Scientists across the country are taking note. He won a USD 10,000 award from the US Agency for International Global Development at Intel’s International Science Fair and second place at MIT’s TechCon Conference where he won more money to continue his research. “They were very encouraging, they could see things into it that I couldn’t, because they’ve been working their whole lives on this,” said Karamchedu.

Seven-Fold Increase in Global Mobile Data Traffic from 2016-21: Cisco Mobile Visual Networking Index (VNI) Forecasts

By 2021, more members of the global population will be using mobile phones (5.5 billion) than bank accounts (5.4 billion), running water (5.3 billion), or landlines (2.9 billion), according to the 11th annual Cisco Visual Networking Index (VNI) Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast (2016 to 2021). Strong growth in mobile users, smartphones and Internet of Things (IoT) connections as well as network speed improvements and mobile video consumption are projected to increase mobile data traffic seven-fold over the next five years.

By 2021, Cisco projects mobile data traffic will achieve the following milestones: 
·  Mobile data traffic to represent 20 percent of total IP traffic—up from just 8 percent of total IP traffic in 2016 
·  1.5 mobile devices per capita. Nearly 12 billion mobile-connected devices (up from 8 billion and 1.1 per capita in 2016), including M2M modules 
·  Mobile network connection speeds will increase three-fold from 6.8 Mbps in 2016 to 20.4 Mbps by 2021
·  Machine-to-machine (M2M) connections will represent 29 percent (3.3 billion) of total mobile connections—up from 5 percent (780 million) in 2016. M2M will be the fastest growing mobile connection type as global IoT applications continue to gain traction in consumer and business environments
·  4G will support 58 percent of total mobile connections by 2021—up from 26 percent in 2016, and will account for 79 percent of total mobile data traffic
·  The total number of smartphones (including phablets) will be over 50 percent of global devices and connections (6.2 billion)—up from 3.6 billion in 2016

The explosion of mobile applications and adoption of mobile connectivity by end users is fueling the growth of 4G, soon to be followed by 5G growth. Cisco and other industry experts anticipate large-scale deployments of 5G infrastructures to begin by 2020. Mobile carriers will need the innovative speed, low latency, and dynamic provisioning capabilities that 5G networks are expected to deliver not just increasing subscriber demands, but also new services trends across mobile, residential, and business markets. Cisco forecasts that 5G will account for 1.5 percent of total mobile data traffic by 2021, and will generate 4.7 times more traffic than the average 4G connection and 10.7 times more traffic than the average 3G connection.
“With the proliferation of IoT, live mobile video, augmented and virtual reality applications, and more innovative experiences for consumer and business users alike, 5G technology will have significant relevance not just for mobility but rather for networking as a whole,” said Doug Webster, Vice President of Service Provider Marketing at Cisco. “As a result, broader and more extensive architectural transformations involving programmability and automation will also be needed to support the capabilities 5G enables, and to address not just today’s demands but also the extensive possibilities on the horizon.”
Sanjay Kaul, Managing Director, Service Provider Business, Cisco India and SAARC -
“As India leaps towards a digital economy, 2016 alone saw a huge growth in mobile traffic – by 76% from last year and, by 2021 consumer mobile traffic will grow 7.4-fold at a CAGR of 49% y-o-y. Much of this growth will be fueled by massive consumer adoption of smartphones, IoT, smart devices and use of machine-to-machine connections with an estimated 1,380 million mobile-connected devices by 2021. As the Internet of Everything gains momentum, we are clearly headed towards a new era in Internet communications, with M2M connections predicted to increase 17-fold at a CAGR of 76% y-o-y. The way we use connectivity in devices today will change businesses, government, healthcare, agriculture, manufacturing, retail, transportation and other key industries.”

Key India Findings:

·         In India, mobile data traffic grew 2.2 times faster than Indian fixed IP traffic in 2016
o    In India, the average mobile-connected end-user device generated 251 megabytes of mobile data traffic per month in 2016, up 67% from 151 megabytes per month in 2015
o    In India, the average smartphone generated 559 megabytes of mobile data traffic per month in 2016, up from 430 megabytes per month in 2015
o    In India, the average PC generated 2,166 megabytes of mobile data traffic per month in 2016, up from 1,665 megabytes per month in 2015
o    In India, the average tablet generated 2,228 megabytes of mobile data traffic per month in 2016, up from 1,671 megabytes per month in 2015

·         In India, mobile data traffic will grow 7-fold from 2016 to 2021, a compound annual growth rate of 49%.
o    In India, mobile data traffic will grow 2 times faster than fixed IP traffic from 2016 to 2021
o    In India, mobile data traffic will account for 29% of Indian fixed and mobile data traffic by 2021, up from 15% in 2016
o    In India, 60% of mobile connections will be 'smart' connections by 2021, up from 19% in 2016
o    In India, 93% of mobile data traffic will be 'smart' traffic by 2021, up from 62% in 2016

·         In 2016, India's consumer mobile data traffic grew 1.8-fold, or 76%
o    In India, consumer mobile traffic will grow 7.4-fold from 2016 to 2021, a compound annual growth rate of 49%
o    Consumer will account for 90% of India's mobile data traffic by 2021, compared to 89% at the end of 2016
·         In India, business mobile traffic will grow 7.1-fold from 2016 to 2021, a compound annual growth rate of 48%
o    Business will account for 10% of India's mobile data traffic by 2021, compared to 11% at the end of 2016
·         In India, mobile video traffic will grow 11.5-fold from 2016 to 2021, a compound annual growth rate of 63%.
o    In India, the number of video capable devices and connections will grow 2.2-fold between 2016 and 2021, reaching 814 million in number
o    Video will be 75% of India's mobile data traffic by 2021, compared to 49% at the end of 2016.
o    Video reached half of India's mobile data traffic by year-end 2017
·         In India, cloud applications will account for 91% of total mobile data traffic by 2021, compared to 80% at the end of 2016
o    In India, mobile cloud traffic will grow 8.4-fold from 2016 to 2021, a compound annual growth rate of 53%.
·         In India, 59.6 million net new devices and connections were added to the mobile network in 2016.
o    In India, there will be 1,380 million mobile-connected devices by 2021, approximately 1.0 per capita for this region/country
o    In India, 4G connections will grow 5-fold from 2016 to 2021, a compound annual growth rate of 38%
o    India's 3G connections surpass 2G connections by 2019
o    In India, 2G connections will be 19.1% of total mobile connections by 2021, compared to 75.5% in 2016
o    In India, the number of smart devices will grow 4.2-fold between 2016 and 2021, reaching 823 million in number
o    In India, smart devices will be 59.6% of total mobile connections by 2021, compared to 18.5% in 2016
o    In India, the number of smartphones will grow 2.2-fold between 2016 and 2021, reaching 781 million in number
·         In India, the number of wearable devices will reach 6.8 million in number by 2021, up from 2.5 million in 2016, a compound annual growth rate of 23%
o    In India, the number of wearable devices with embedded cellular connections will reach 0.8 million in number by 2021, up from 0.1 million in 2016, a compound annual growth rate of 45%
·         In India, M2M traffic will grow 17-fold from 2016 to 2021, a compound annual growth rate of 76%
o    In India, M2M traffic will reach 44.7 Petabytes per month by 2021
o    In India, M2M will account for 2% of total mobile data traffic by 2021, compared to 1% at the end of 2016
o    In India, the number of mobile-connected M2M modules will grow 6.2-fold between 2016 and 2021, reaching 91 million in number

Key Findings & Milestones from Global Traffic Projections and Forecasted Trends:

1.     Rise in global mobile data center traffic
·         By 2021, global mobile data traffic will reach 49 exabytes per month, or 587 exabytes annually
·         The forecast annual run rate of 587 exabytes of mobile data traffic for 2021 is equivalent to:
·         122 times more than all global mobile traffic generated just 10 years ago (in 2011)
·         131 trillion images (e.g. MMS)

2.  High growth for live video on mobile
·  Mobile video will increase 8.7-fold from 2016 to 2021 and will have the highest growth rate of any mobile application category. Mobile video will represent 78 percent of all mobile traffic by 2021
·  Live mobile video will grow 39-fold from 2016 to 2021. Live mobile video will represent 5 percent of total mobile video traffic by 2021

3. Growth in Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)
·  VR immerses users in a simulated environment. AR is an overlay of technology on the real world
·  Applications such as VR are adding to the adoption of wearables such as headsets
·  VR headsets will grow from 18 million in 2016 to nearly 100 million by 2021— a five-fold growth
·  Globally, VR traffic will grow 11-fold from 13.3 petabytes/month in 2016, to 140 petabytes/ month in 2021 
·  Globally, AR traffic will grow seven-fold between 2016 and 2021, from 3 petabytes/month in 2016 to 21 petabytes /month in 2021

4. Global connected wearable devices driving M2M growth 
·  Cisco estimates there will be 929 million wearable devices globally, growing nearly threefold from 325 million in 2016
·  Globally, the number of wearable devices with embedded cellular connections will reach 69 million in number by 2021—up from 11 million in 2016.

5. Mobile data traffic offload to Wi-Fi networks
·  In 2016, 60 percent of total mobile data traffic was offloaded; by 2021, 63 percent of total mobile data traffic will be offloaded
·  In 2016, monthly offload traffic (10.7 EB) exceeded monthly mobile/cellular traffic (7.2 EB)
·  Globally, total public Wi-Fi hotspots (including homespots) will grow six-fold from 2016 (94.0 million) to 2021 (541.6 million)
·  Wi-Fi traffic from both mobile devices and Wi-Fi-only devices, together, will account for almost half (49 percent) of total IP traffic by 2020, up from 42 percent in 2015.
6. Regional mobile data traffic growth (2016 – 2021)
1.     The Middle East and Africa will have 12-fold growth
(2016: 7.3 exabytes/year; 2021: 88.4 exabytes/year)
2.     Asia-Pacific will have 7-fold growth
(2016: 37.3 exabytes/year; 2021: 274.2 exabytes/year)
3.     Latin America will have 6-fold growth
(2016: 5.4 exabytes/year; 2021: 34.8 exabytes/year)       
4.     Central and Eastern Europe will have 6-fold growth
(2016: 11.1 exabytes/year; 2021: 63.0 exabytes/year)
5.     Western Europe will have 6-fold growth
(2016: 8.8 exabytes/year; 2021: 50.3 exabytes/year)
6.     North America will have 5-fold growth
(2016: 16.9 exabytes/year; 2021: 76.8 exabytes/year)

Cisco Mobile VNI Forecast Methodology

The Cisco VNI Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast (2016‑2021) relies upon independent analyst forecasts and real-world mobile data usage studies. Upon this foundation are layered Cisco's own estimates for mobile application adoption, minutes of use and transmission speeds. Key enablers such as mobile broadband speed and device computing power are also factored into Cisco mobile VNI projections and findings. A detailed methodology description is included in the complete report .

Havells India Forays into Personal Grooming; Aims to capture 25% market share in next 3 years

Havells India Limited, India’s leading Fast Moving Electrical Goods (FMEG) Company,has announced its foray into personal grooming segment with the launch of array of high quality personal care product like Electric Shavers, Beard Trimmers, Grooming kit - Precision nose and ear Trimmer, Hair Straighteners & Dryers,  Bikini Trimmer. The company also, for the first time in the country, launched baby hair clippers. These exclusively designed products will be available in the price range of Rs 1000- Rs 7200.
Speaking on the occasion, Anil Rai Gupta, Chairman and Managing Director, Havells India Limited, said, “We are extremely delighted to foray into personal grooming segment that offers enormous growth potential. At Havells, it has never been about maintaining status quo but to understand pulse of the discerning consumer, evolve, innovate, enter new categories with best in line products and establish leadership position while setting new benchmarks in industry excellence.”
India has more than 50% population below the age of 25 years and more than 65% below the age of 35 years. It is expected that the average age of an Indian will be 29 years by 2020, compared to 37 years for China and 48 years for Japan. With rising young population, more disposable income and increased focus on personal grooming amongst Indian youth in both urban and rural areas, the category is set to grow at a fast pace. The personal grooming segment in India is currently estimated at Rs 1,500 crore and is growing at a healthy rate of 25%-30% per annum. Developed around the evolving needs of the Indian consumers, Havells personal grooming range is a perfect blend of unique designs and latest technology that comes with hallmark features of Havells products- Style, Safety Durability and Convenience.
The products would initially be available in all major cities of the country and over 400 exclusive Havells Galaxies where consumers can touch and feel products. The entire range would be available across the country by end of March, 2017. Apart from this, the company would be selling products through online e-commerce platforms.
Saurabh Goel, Executive Vice President Havells India Limited said, "Personal grooming as a segment is experiencing swift and dynamic growth largely driven by an expanding middle class and an increased interest in personal grooming. We realized that despite our brand's strong recall and resonance among today's youth, we did not have any specific products for them. The launch of our wide range of contemporary and top quality products under the personal grooming segment will bridge this gap and strengthen our connect with young consumers who are key to this fast growing category."
He added, “Apart from our traditional channels we will also expand our network and reach out to cosmetics, departmental and pharma stores where consumers will be able to buy our latest range of grooming products”.

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