Monday, November 10, 2014

Accenture Expands Mobile Government Services for Arunachal Pradesh

Accenture is developing a mobile government system for the Arunachal Pradesh Department of Information Technology, the system is designed to enhance citizen access to more than 21 government services across 12 categories in eight state departments using mobile platforms and an online portal. 

Following completion of the mobile government system -- called Arunachal m-Seva -- citizen access to government services ranging from safety and health alerts to employment services and pension benefits will be enabled using these mobile tools. Digital government services help reduce costs-to-serve and improve constituent satisfaction and engagement.

The government of Arunachal Pradesh is committed to serving our citizens,” said Er. Gaken Ete, secretary, Government of Arunachal Pradesh Department of Information Technology. “The new mobile government system will provide increased opportunities to help us meet the needs of our citizens in new ways.”

The $70,000 contract for the development of the mobile government system has two major components -- first, Accenture has developed the system requirements, which is complete; and now, Accenture will design, test and launch the mobile government system. Arunachal m-Seva will be accessible across multiple technology platforms, including Android, Windows, Nokia and iPhone, as well as marketplaces such as Google Play, Windows Phone Store, iPhone App Store and Nokia Store. Short message service (SMS) technology will be enabled for alerts on safety, health and emergency information.

Accenture also has designed and will launch a web-based portal for the eight state departments of Health, Police, Tourism, Disaster Management, Agriculture, Land Management, Social Welfare and Employment. Government officials and citizens will be able to track citizen requests, initiate actions for solutions and view transaction details.

By providing important information to citizens in an easily accessible manner, the state of Arunachal Pradesh is addressing citizen demands for digital government services at a time and place convenient to them,” said G. Sethuraman, managing director of Accenture’s Health & Public Service business in India. “Arunachal m-Seva is an exciting move toward a more citizen-centered government for the state.”

A recent 10-country study by Accenture ranked India eighth in its use of digital government services to engage with citizens. According to the survey, a majority (81 percent) of citizens want their government to provide more services through digital channels, including portals, digital channels and social media.

Mobile government extends the ability of citizens to interact with government and access important services and information to mobile platforms, including smartphones, tablets, personal digital assistants (PDAs) and wireless internet infrastructure. By making these services available on mobile platforms, mobile government helps make public information and government services available anytime, anywhere,” continued Sethuraman.   

Accenture also is working with the Arunachal Department of IT on the e-District project and with the Arunachal Pradesh Police to implement the state’s Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and System (CCTNS), an integrated system to share information on crimes across India.

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