Monday, December 21, 2020

SoME Organises Completely Virtual Graduation Ceremony and 240 Learners Graduated Virtually

School of Meaningful Experiences (SoME) celebrated their second annual graduation ceremony, SoME 

Day entirely virtually on December 20. In partnership with Kestone, an integrated marketing company, the event used a platform which simulated an actual venue with a reception, discussion tracks, main auditorium, networking centre and fun areas. 

The simulation enabled viewers to not only watch the event from the comfort of their homes but also chat with SoME members to get more information about the organisation’s myriad programmes.  

The virtual venue was further divided into various platforms - three rooms with speakers’ names, a helpdesk and auditorium. Depending on which room the viewers chose, they were gifted with a fabulous speech by an eminent speaker. The speakers included Roopa Pai, one of India’s best-known children’s author and Dr Pavan Soni, Innovation Evangelist, author and teacher. Both spoke on a range of topics from books and Design to the importance of inculcating Curiosity and Creativity among children. 

The chief guest for the event was Dr K Radhakrishnan, Ex-Chairman ISRO, who spoke on a timely topic, ‘Space, 21stcentury and resilience’.

The highlight of the evening was the graduation ceremony, where almost 240 learners graduated virtually. Their pictures were collected beforehand by SoME and were superimposed with graduation robes and caps. Viewers could also get their graduation pictures by clicking on the photo booth option, making the event fun and interactive.

Other than speeches, the event also had a stunning musical performance by three youngsters from Sikkim, Raguell, Dorjee and Wangchuk of the Way Up North band. 

Speaking on the occasion Rakesh Godhwani , Founder, SoME said “We were initially hesitant about going completely virtual. But with covid becoming a mainstay we had to improvise. More than 500 viewers joined us and chatting with them as the event unfolded was amazing. We got a chance to mingle and connect with many future learners. The first SoME day saw 22 learners graduate, this year it was 240! Here’s hoping we graduate more learners next year.”

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