Thursday, June 6, 2019

Manipal Hospital Malleshwaram Performs Path Breaking Surgery to give Life to 3-Month-Old Baby

Manipal Hospital Malleshwaram conducted a lifesaving surgery to give new lease of life to 3-month-old baby Vaishnavi, who was suffering from a rare medical condition at birth known as “Brachial plexus birth palsy”. The baby had a paralysed left upper limb and shoulder that completely restricted her movement. Dr. Bharat Kadadi, Consultant & specialist, hand, wrist and microvascular surgeon, Manipal Hospital Malleshwaram and his team performed an intense surgery that went on for 5 long hours to save the child.

The story of Vaishnavi is extremely heartwarming and as the parents were not having any hope of the arm being restored normally. They had lost all hopes and had reconciled to their fate, as they did not get any positive results from any of the doctors / hospitals. Parents noticed the discomfort after a few days post her birth and therefore became anxious when the baby was unable to move her left limb and shoulder. Dr. Bharat Kadadi investigated the case and reassured them the same could be cured through a surgery called repair and reconstruction of brachial plexus by a microsurgical technique, which involves joining the injured nerves at the neck. The same was performed successfully and the baby has recovered completely.

Sharing details on the surgery Dr. Bharat Kadadi, Consultant & specialist, hand, wrist and microvascular surgeon, Manipal Hospital Malleshwaram said, “ The plexus of nerves connecting the neck to the upper limb is called brachial plexus. It is responsible for the function of upper limb like movements of shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand. They can get stretched or injured during the process of childbirth leading to partial or complete paralysis of upper limb .This commonly occurs in big babies. There is lack of awareness and some of the symptoms that can be immediately spotted after the birth are no movement of the upper arm or hand, decreased hand grip/movements  on the affected side and Arm flexed (bent) at elbow and held against body. Investigations like X ray and MRI scan will help to further aid in  the diagnosis .The child recovered well post-surgery and after few physio therapy sessions she is leading a normal life“

Speaking on the occasion Mr. Pramod Kunder, Unit Head, Manipal Hospital Malleshwaram said, “ We constantly endeavour to provide the best treatment for our patrons. The case was extremely rare and I congratulate Dr. Bharat and team for their excellence and dedication. We are committed to offering world class treatments which is possible due to competent pool of doctors and specialists at Manipal.”

The incidence is as common as 1 -2 per 1000 live births. Children with deformities of shoulder and elbow presenting late between 1 and 10 year can also be treated by a procedure called contracture release and muscle transfer. Physiotherapy before and after surgery is a must for these tiny tots to ensure good return of function of the hand and  upper limb. Lack of awareness in the society is the reason for seeking delay in treatment delay in seeking the correct treatment leads to fixed contractures of joints leading poor function of the hand.

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