Friday, March 8, 2019

CULT Salutes the Woman of Today as She Shatters the Ceiling!

A world number one athlete, surgeon, combat pilot, top notch businessperson, an actor, biker, the woman of today is breaking free from the confines of tradition and prejudice of the Indian society every single day to emerge and stay on the top. Today, they have spread their wings and are not defined by one role or responsibility - they are not just homemakers but stand shoulder to shoulder with their male counterparts in equal or higher roles outside the homes.

On the eve of World Women’s Day, Cult Fitness celebrates the grit and gumption, passion and perseverance of the woman of today and congratulates her achievements and wishes to honour her contribution in making our world a truly better place! Be it a small town or an urban landscape, women are recognising their own talent and stepping out to shatter the ceiling! This Women’s Day, we’re proud to be a part of the society that is witness to women breaking stereotypes and emerge stronger and successful.

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