Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Microsoft Devices & WWF-India Launch Fellowship 2014

Following the success of “Create to Inspire” Fellowship 2013 in Kolkata and Ahmedabad, Microsoft Devices has partnered with WWF-India to launch the 2014 edition of the program in Delhi today. Create to Inspire Fellowship provides a platform to young people to use their creative arts to build innovative social action projects under the guidance of established mentors from various fields of art. These projects, in turn, aim at creating awareness and initiating conversations around effective and judicious consumption and management of water, energy, transport and e-waste.

The 2014 Delhi fellowship will focus on Urban Biodiversity. Under the fellowship, 50 young creative people in the age group of 18 to 25 years will be selected and mentored by 5 renowned artists and 2 subject matter experts for a period of 4 months (July to October). The fellows will have an opportunity to learn about issues plaguing Delhi and NCR’s biodiversity and use that knowledge to create exciting projects through dance, theatre, film, photography, and other art forms. This will help create a new social context in the city with the aim of encouraging people to preserve its biodiversity. The final projects will be showcased in Delhi starting September.

The mentors include Arunkumar H.G., contemporary artist; Dinesh Khanna, professional photographer and co-founder of the Delhi Photo Festival; Geeta Chandran,  Indian classical dancer; M.K. Raina, one of India’s best-known theatre actors and directors and Vandana Kohli, renowned photographer and musician.

Two experts on Delhi’s Biodiversity will guide the program content, using their knowledge on the matter to help the fellows make their projects more meaningful and impactful. They are Manoj Kumar Misra, Executive Director of the PEACE Institute Charitable Trust and Convenor, and head of Yamuna Jiye Abhiyaan, the Yamuna Forever Campaign; and Pradip Krishen, well-known environmentalist, naturalist and author, and an ‘ecological gardener’ who works with native flora wherever he creates planted landscapes.

Speaking at the launch of 2014 Delhi edition of "Create To Inspire” Fellowship, P. Balaji, Managing Director, Nokia India, a subsidiary of Microsoft Mobile Oy., said “Over the years, Nokia has been committed towards sustainable consumption of resources and Create to Inspire is another step taken towards the same commitment. We believe for the creation of a sustainable future, it is essential to inspire people, especially the youth, to make sustainable choices in all spheres of their lives. The inspiration and the unbelievable response we got from the last season of our Create to Inspire Fellowship program has been the key driving force for us to expand this program to other cities”.

He further added, “We are very happy to launch the second edition in Delhi, a city that has long been known for its rich culture and ethnicity. With all the creative inspiration the program aims to bring among the youth, we are looking forward to some great talent from this culturally rich city.”

Speaking about the partnership with Microsoft Devices, Dr. Sejal Worah, Programme Director, WWF-India, said: “WWF is delighted to collaborate with Microsoft Devices in this endeavour to promote awareness on biodiversity among young people through a creative medium. Over the years, WWF India has engaged with children and youth in many different ways and this partnership takes these efforts a step further by focusing on the creative arts for conservation. We urge the youth of Delhi to seize this opportunity and showcase their talent while creating much-needed awareness about Delhi’s dwindling biodiversity”.

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