Monday, April 7, 2014

Increase Access, Improve Quality, Lower Cost Of Healthcare In India

India needs a holistic care system that is universally accessible, affordable and effective and drastically reduces the out of pocket spending on health. NRHM has failed to meet the objectives and will be radically reformed. BJP manifesto for 2014 accords high priority to health sector, which is crucial for securing the economy.

The overarching goal of healthcare would be to provide, 'Health Assurance to all Indians and to reduce the out of pocket spending on health care', with the help of state governments.

The current situation calls for radical reforms in the healthcare system with regards to national healthcare programs and delivery, medical education and training and financing of healthcare. Our government would focus on the following reforms in healthcare:

* The last healthcare policy dates back to 2002. India now needs a comprehensive healthcare policy to address the complex healthcare challenges, keeping in view the developments in the healthcare sector and the changing demographics. BJP will initiate the New Health Policy.
* Initiate the 'National Health Assurance Mission', with a clear mandate to provide universal healthcare that is not only accessible and affordable, but also effective, and reduces the OOP spending for the common man.
* Education and Training - Will review the role of various professional regulatory bodies in healthcare and consider setting up an overarching lean body for healthcare. High priority will be given to address the shortfall of healthcare professionals.
Modernize Government hospitals, upgrading infrastructure and latest technologies. 
Reorganize Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in order to converge various departments dealing
in healthcare, food and nutrition and pharmaceuticals, for effective delivery of healthcare services.
* Increase the number of medical and para-medical colleges to make India self sufficient in human resources, and set up an AIIMS like institute in every state.
* Yoga and Ayurveda are the gifts of ancient Indian civilization to humanity and we will increase the public investment to promote Yoga and AYUSH. We will start integrated courses for Indian System of Medicine (ISM) and modern science and Ayurgenomics. We will set up institutions and launch a vigorous program to standardize and validate the Ayurvedic medicine.
* Move to pre-emptive care model where the focus and thrust will be on child health and prevention.
 * School health program would be a major focus area, and health and hygiene will be made a part of
the school curriculum.
* Focus on Rural Health care delivery.
* Senior Citizens healthcare would be a special focus area.
* Give high priority to chronic diseases, and will invest in research and development of solutions for chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes, cancer, CVD etc.
* Occupational health programs will be pursued aggressively.
* Utilize the ubiquitous platform of mobile phones for healthcare delivery and set up the 'National eHealth Authority' to leverage telemedicine and mobile healthcare for expanding reach and coverage and to define the standards and legal framework for technology driven care.
* Universalization of emergency medical services-108.
* Re-orientation of herbal plants board to encourage farming of herbal plants.
* Population stabilization would be a major thrust area and would be pursued as a mission mode program.
Programme for Women Healthcare with emphasis on rural, SC, ST and OBC in a mission mode. ␣ Mission mode project to eradicate malnutrition.
 Launch National Mosquito Control mission.
Poor Hygiene and Sanitation have a far reaching, cascading impact. We will ensure a 'Swachh Bharat' by Gandhiji's 150th birth anniversary in 2019, taking it up in mission mode by converging resources and building around jan bhagidari
* Create an open defecation free India by awareness campaign and enabling people to build toilets in their home as well as in schools and public places.
Set up modern, scientific sewage and waste management systems.
 We will introduce Sanitation Ratings measuring and ranking our cities and towns on 'sanitation
and rewarding the best performers.
* Make potable drinking water available to all thus reducing water-borne diseases, which will automatically translate into Diarrhoea-free India.

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