Thursday, August 18, 2022

B.C. Canada’s Western Hemlock And Yellow Cedar Making Their Mark In The Indian Hospitality Sector

Forestry Innovation Consulting Pvt. Ltd. (FII India), also known as Canadian Wood, is a crown corporation of British Columbia, the westernmost province of Canada, with a mandate to promote certified wood from sustainable managed forests of B.C. Canada. Its main objective is to encourage the use of five distinct wood species from B.C. Canada in the Indian market, mainly known as: - S-P-F (Spruce-Pine-Fir), Western hemlock, Douglas-fir, Yellow cedar, and Western Red Cedar. These wood species have unique properties, making them suitable for a wide range of applications. Through a network of 41 stockists in major cities, ready-to-use Canadian Wood lumber is available across the nation seasoned, sized, and graded.

The corporation joined hands with Indian designers, architects, and manufacturers to include Canadian wood species in hospitality projects as part of FII's strategy to increase awareness of these wood species in the Indian market.

A while ago, FII collaborated with an architecture firm, Wings the Design Studio and an interior design company, Minimal Stroke for a restaurant project in Pune called Celesto Bar & Restaurant.

An Overview of The Collaborators:

Wings the Design Studio is an internationally recognized architecture and interior design firm based in Pune. Since its establishment in 2001, Wings the Design Studio has served a range of clients, each with unique and difficult demands.

Minimal Stroke is regarded as a brand delivering high-quality “Made In India” lifestyle items ranging, from specifically designed outdoor solutions to custom interior furniture collection, art, and accessories. The company has 18 years of expertise and love for product design.

Celesto Bar & Restaurant has a seating capacity of 300 guests including both outdoor and indoor dynamic seating arrangements. The Architects and designers decided to give a cosy and inviting look to the restaurant by using Yellow Cedar for the outdoor table, chairs, and ceiling as the wood is very easy to work with and has a high moisture absorption ratio as long as the surface is fully polished. Western Hemlock was used for the indoor dining table, chairs, and panelling because of its sublime grainy texture.

Building partnerships and showcasing the benefits of using B.C. wood are two goals of FII India's ongoing collaboration with architects and designers. Both Wings the Design Studio and Minimal Stroke decided to band together with FII India on this project based on their previous experience with the company, which were considerable feats of architecture and design. Because they were already acquainted with Canadian wood from earlier projects and had been familiarized with B.C. wood species, the architects and designers decided to use Western hemlock and yellow cedar wood to achieve their goal of creating a warm and welcoming ambience within the space. A local Canadian wood stockist introduced to the designers by FII India team, FII India team who also offered technical assistance throughout the project. FII India has previously partaken in many such collaborations with designers and architects to spread the word about sustainable wood from B.C. Canada.

The application of BC. Wood species in Celesto Bar & Restaurant was a grand success. The design team was satisfied by the overall quality of the wood, both yellow cedar and Western hemlock, which gave the restaurant a unique and modern ambience. Showcasing wood design and products in busy establishments like Celesto Bar & Restaurant, Pune builds on ongoing market development activities in India and spreads the knowledge of the variety of uses for B.C wood species. FII India plans on increasing such number of collaborations with designers and architects to further highlight the benefits of using Canadian wood in the Indian space and expand on its commitment and engagement in the market.

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