Wednesday, July 2, 2014

50% Indian Are Satisfied With Salary But Not Job

At least 50 per cent employees in India Inc are satisfied with their current pay package. However they are not satisfied with their job, revealed a recent study.

Long working hours

Nearly 52 per cent employees are reportedly not satisfied with their current working hours. Employees polled saying that they are working over 40 hours a week and it’s not something they like.

* 42% employees do overtime for 2-3 days in a week but 64% are not paid for it
* 60% employees said that they are allowed to work from home for less than 2 days a week

Other key reasons:

* 18% are not happy with the career growth opportunities provided by the employer
* 14% feel that the work culture is not good
9% are unhappy with their job profiles
*  7% are not happy with their boss

What does job satisfaction mean to them?

Work-life balance is what gives today’s workforce a sense of contentment from a job. About 44 per cent employees are contemplating job change in the next 6 months and nearly 60 per cent are seeking a better work-life balance from the new job.

“Today’s employees don’t just want to work; they want to enjoy life also. Work hard, play harder – defines the motto of the current breed of working professionals. This is the key reason behind the rising importance of a better work-life balance.” says Vivek Madhukar, COO,

Ranked ahead of money, rewards and recognition, work-life balance is a key determiner for nearly 60 per cent Indian employees to jump ship for a job.

Nearly 50 per cent men and 60 per cent of women employees base their job change decision on the level of work-life balance offered by their organisation. The need for flexible hours is greater among middle level employees.  Over 40 per cent employees belonging to 5-10 years experience category ranked it higher than salary and other work factors.

The first to notice the trend

Small organisations are the first to notice the growing demand for workplace flexibility. Nearly 42 per cent of these organisations said they have a formal flexible work schedule policy in place. The bigger organisations are yet to embrace this change in employee expectations. Only 12 per cent organisations with employee size of over 1000 agree to flexible work options.

“Employees in Asia value work-life balance, career opportunities, company growth rate, and stability most. Connected to work-life balance – location is increasingly an area of more notable concern to employees in India. That’s especially true in some of the cities where infrastructure challenges can lead to quite excruciating commute times for employees,” said Brad Adams, Head of HR Research in Asia, CEB (Corporate Executive Board), while speaking to on findings based in their report ‘Employee Engagement Insights of India’

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