Friday, November 8, 2019

ICAT is Organizing NuGen Mobility Summit – Disruption Unveils from Nov 27-29, 2019 at ICAT Centre-II, IMT Manesar, Haryana

International Centre for Automotive Technology (ICAT), a premier Government of India automotive Research & Development and Testing agency, has been in the forefront of creating the required knowledge, competences, R & D and testing facilities for new emerging auto technologies, including for electrification technologies. As an ongoing part of its efforts, ICAT is organizing the “NuGen Mobility Summit – Disruption Unveils” from 27th - 29th Nov 2019 at ICAT Centre-II, IMT Manesar, Haryana.

NuGen is being preceded by technology appreciation workshop for Government agencies on 8th Nov’19, at ICAT Manesar. This will include inauguration of new testing and development facilities by Hon’ble Minister of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises along with a session on electrification technology appreciation wherein the strengths, benefits, and unique challenges to electrification, specific to Indian conditions will be presented. During this event ICAT will also share the performance results of various xEVs on Indian conditions tested in Lab as well as ‘On road’.

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