Friday, October 17, 2008

Steps into green IT technologies

The world leader in removable data storage media is a beginner in implementing 'Green IT technologies' and are taking it forward without a conscious effort Manu Sharma Moser Baer India, a world leader in the development and manufacture of removable data storage media has just made a beginning in implementing 'Green IT technologies' and are taking it forward without a conscious effort. In a interview with Muthukumar V., Senior General Manager – IT of Moser Baer India spoke to Manu Sharma of CIOL Bureau on various challenges faced an a CIO and the way ahead in tackling major issues.

CIOL: What are the major challenges faced by a CIO?
Muthukumar V
: I feel that the present challenges faced by a CIO in the areas of Business Process Transformation, Innovating the enterprise, Deliver the best with the optimal resources, Team Engagement, Building service orientation and Improving on service deliveries provided by and through IT.

CIOL: Does your organization link IT budget with the company's performance/growth? If yes please elaborate?
: Moser Baer has no such link where in the company's IT budget is linked to the performance of the firm.

CIOL: Can you cite any specific areas where IT has come up as an accomplishment in your stint as a CIO?
: We have tried to leverage the ERP utilization by bringing in more processes and controls within the ERP frame work. These are done either by exploiting the existing functionality that was not implemented or by building functionality within and around the ERP. We have ensured that the investment that we had done in the ERP and other application architecture is fully exploited. We have supported the growth of the business both organically (in terms of volume growth) as well as in-organically (additional business coverage like M&ES, ITCE, Entertainment and PV).

CIOL: Going forward, what are the challenges that you foresee?
I feel that the present challenges faced by a CIO will also continue over the years and these include: Business Process Transformation, Innovating the enterprise, Deliver the best with the optimal resources, Team Engagement, Building service orientation and improving on service deliveries provided by and through IT.

CIOL: How far have you come as regards adopting 'Green IT technologies'?
: Our company is a beginner in this front and we are taking it forward without a conscious effort.

CIOL: What will be the IT budget for the new fiscal year? What is the growth rate over last year?
: I would prefer not to respond to this question. But can only indicate that it runs in crores each year.

CIOL: Do you feel the amount allocated for IT is sufficient if yes why? If not why not? How much should you be spending?
: I can do with more funds. Having said that we have been very decent in allocating budget for IT, when there are enough justifications for the investment.

CIOL: Has the prices of the IT products (hardware/software) been on the decline due to the current stronger rupee against the US dollar in 2007?
: Do they. Don't think so; not because of a stronger rupee. In fact, India should be benefited as biggies turn more towards India as the global spend on IT could shrink.

CIOL: Since the rupee is growing stronger against the dollarin 2007, don't you thing it is the right time to purchase IT products both hardware/software?
It all depends on the business benefits. Rupee appreciation against dollar can't be a critical determining factor; not at least in our case.

CIOL: How big is the IT staff in your organization?
We have atleast 48 working in our department.

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