Thursday, February 13, 2020

Columbia Pacific Communities Celebrates ‘#ExpressionOfLove’ this Valentine’s Day

Beyond the fences of age, love knows no boundaries and only grows stronger with time. To celebrate love in in all its myriad forms and glory, Columbia Pacific Communities, India's largest provider of services and care to senior living communities took a unique initiative this Valentine’s Day titled ‘#ExpressionsOfLove’.

Often seniors in society are associated with various labels and celebrating love and being romantic is considered an impractical idea for seniors.

As a brand, Columbia Pacific Communities has always stood against ageism, and attempted to break age-related stereotypes, whether it is through our campaign RELEARN or through initiatives such as organising south India’s first senior citizens flash mob.

Through a unique Valentine’s Day experience for its senior residents, the brand takes the conversation of “positive ageing” forward.

Drawing parallels between food and relationships, Columbia Pacific Communities believes that both come with their own unique flavours, and both need time and patience to be nurtured. #ExpressionsOfLove is a symbol of acknowledgment that love is ageless and selfless. It focuses on the fact that food often is an individual’s first love, and the love for food often builds lasting, loving relationships. Nothing spells ‘love’ more than a platter of delicious fare.

Commenting on the initiative, Piali Dasgupta, VP - Marketing, Columbia Pacific Communities, said, “Popular culture and mass media, for long, has associated Valentine’s Day with the youth. But what’s love and its many expressions, including romanticism, got to do with age? Through “Expressions of Love”, we once again break this stereotype, and help our senior residents to celebrate the day of love with their special one. That special someone could be your spouse or partner, you friend, colleague, dog or anyone else that you truly love.”

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