Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Academy of Cyber Defence & Advanced High Tech Advanced Security Now in India

The Vital Intelligence Academy will be a full service facility that will incorporate a multitude of highly advanced training capabilities to include several state-of-the-art training classrooms, conference and event halls, high tech business meeting rooms and the world's most advanced security and cyber security training simulators.

The Vital Intelligence Academy will provide a full range of courses that will fill the needs of emergency management, law-enforcement, disaster management and safety organizations, military and governmental agencies, private security groups, executive protection personal, corporate executives, E-learning facilities (able to live stream safely and securely to most locations in the world) and host international visiting students.

The Vita Intelligence Academy will also serve as a “showcase” for the most advanced and up-to-date cyber defense and security related technology and an integrated gateway to demonstrate and market niche’ and unique security related technology coupled with some of the world's most experienced professional counter terrorism experts. 

After identifying cybersecurity as one of the most serious economic and national security challenges India faces, along with the threats of physical terror attacks that are not at all new to India, the Vital Intelligence Group will share skills and technology in an effort to create sensitive job skills much required especially in the Cyber Sector as well as unique teaching modules in the counter organized crime and terror spheres that will integrate the two providing an aggressive defense platform for the information and communications infrastructure and the development of a comprehensive approach to securing India's digital infrastructure as physical assets.

In making the announcement, Kamal Punjabi, Director of Colosseum Events Pvt Ltd., who with his team has been appointed as the Vital Intelligence Academy's official marketing and P.R agent and representative in India stated “Marc Kahlberg's military and policing intelligence experience along with his fearless approach to voicing key issues of security will provide a valuable point of view and an overall solution to reducing the current threats on a national and personal level but also create the needed skills and eventual jobs that are waiting for this specific sector."

Before his business career, Kahlberg served in the South African Army, Israel Defense Force and Israel National Police. He has created and established police units and has trained Law Enforcement personal from all over the world. Kahlberg has witnessed first-hand 16 serious terror events in the form of suicide bombers and vehicle borne terror attacks. Kahlberg served as the Commander of the Israel National Police Tourist Police Unit in Netanya and Police foreign press spokesperson for Israel's disengagement from the Gaza Strip. He was involved in the security architecture and design for the South African hosted 2010 soccer world cup, trained and consulted to the organizers and emergency management personal of the Euro 2012 soccer tournament in Poland amongst other large projects.

Marc Kahlberg is the Vital Intelligence Group's CEO and a founding member of the Vital Intelligence Academy and will lead the initiative and program backed by experts from Australia, Africa, Europe, India, Israel, the U.K and the United States. 

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