Monday, October 6, 2014

Thrust Laid On Tech Innovation At Indo-US Summit Welcomed

The National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) welcomes the recently concluded bilateral summit between the United States and India. The Summit was focused on discussing broad Strategic and Global partnership between the two countries and establish continued prosperity and security for their citizens and the world. During his visit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasized on the priority India accords to its partnership with the United States, a principal partner in the realization of India’s rise as a responsible and influential world power. 

 The two leaders recognized that the bilateral relationship between the two nations enjoys strong support in both countries, which has allowed the strategic partnership to flourish even post the change in government. Both leaders agreed to revitalize the existing partnership and find new areas for collaboration and mutual benefit. The bilateral summit laid additional focus on the need to foster innovation in a manner that promotes economic growth and job creation and to recognize in particular the contribution of the Indian and U.S. IT/ITES industry in strengthening India-U.S. trade and investment relations. 

Expressing his views, R Chandrashekhar, President, NASSCOM, said, “We are delighted with the enthusiastic welcome that PM Modi received in the U.S. – from the White House, from hundreds of American business leaders, and from the citizens of the U.S. NASSCOM is encouraged by President Obama and Prime Minister Modi’s recognition to the contributions of ICT sectors in the U.S. and India, and the synergies produced when these important sectors work together to resolve issues, innovate, and invigorate both  nations’ economies. We also welcome restarting collaborative dialogues such as TPF forum. NASSCOM has been working with the government to ease the trade relations and will continue to advocate for the removal of existing impediments and the prevention of additional barriers for India-based IT services companies providing valuable services to customers in the U.S.”

 At the summit, both the countries also recognized the critical role played by the U.S. and Indian businesses in sustainable, inclusive, and job-led growth and development. We welcome US and India partnership on the Digital India initiative and US industry to be lead partner in developing smart cities in Ajmer (Rajasthan), Vishakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh) and Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh). At the bilateral summit, the Prime Minister also mentioned the two trade missions to be organised in 2015 which will focused on meeting India’s infrastructure needs with U.S. technology and services. 

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