Wednesday, August 7, 2019

NIIT Launches ‘Future Ready Talent’– an Initiative to Skill the Youth of Bangalore for the Jobs of the Future

NIIT Limited, a global leader in Skills and Talent Development, announced ‘Future Ready Talent’ an initiative to encourage youth to enhance their knowledge through future ready programs, together with their regular academic curriculum.

As part of the initiative, Ankit Vengurlekar, a popular anchor and gadget reviewer recently addressed the youth at NIIT centre, Bangalore, on ‘Leading the way from average to unique through data and IT skills’. Speaking about future ready skills, he said, “The NIIT #FutureReadyTalent event was an exciting opportunity to connect and engage with Bangalore's IT professionals. Upskilling is the greatest requirement for the dynamic IT environment of India. Courses from NIIT ensure that the students are workplace ready and can make a positive contribution towards the organisation they join”.

Ankit also shared his experience and journey while becoming an anchor and gadget reviewer to inspire and motivate students. Ankit’s expertise lies in understanding complex technologies and making them simple to understand for the viewers.

NIIT will conduct seminars nationally across 26 centres in India, in the month of July, wherein successful leaders from diverse fields will share their experiences with the youth, building awareness about the importance of new-age future ready careers.

Kshitij Jain, Vice President, Career Education Business, NIIT Ltd., said, “There are multiple career options available in today's digital economy, but the aspiring professional is  often confused due to non-availability of proper information and right guidance. Through this initiative, we aim to build awareness about new career possibilities and provide them with an opportunity to develop and grow in the field of their choice through our new-age career programs.”

According to the Future of Jobs Report (World Economic Forum), jobs in digital technology will grow from 17 % in 2018 to 33 % in 2022. Estimates have indicated that 75 million jobs may be displaced by a shift in the division of labour between humans and machines, while 133 million new roles may emerge that are more adapted to this model. This demonstrates a huge requirement of skilled employees for futuristic industry 4.0 job roles.

Towards this, NIIT offers new age programs in Digital Marketing and Branding, Data Analytics and Predictive Modelling, Full Stack Product Engineering, Banking and Finance and Accounting & Business Analytics.

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