Monday, July 29, 2019

Going to Study or Work in Germany has never been Easier Due to the Launch of New Service by DAK Healthcare – India (DAK-HI)

Many young Indians dream of going to Germany to work and/or study there. DAK-healthcare is the new service partner in India for the German DAK health-insurance company. This health insurer is now launching a unique and nationwide support campaign for young Indians to make their journey and stay in Germany as easy and secure as possible.

Health insurance in Germany is mandatory and as an international comparison, there is an excellent social insurance system. Those workers designated as “self-employed” pay 15.5% and gainfully employed 8% of their monthly salary. Students pay a flat rate around 80 Euros monthly. With a Health-E-Card all insured costs of a person are covered and paid directly by the insurer. The attending physician sends the invoice directly to the insurance company and the person does not have to do or pay anything out of their own pocket.

While going for work or study in Germany, there are lot of health of health insurance service providers to choose from. However, the “customer service” provided by the companies differs considerably. Among the hundreds of German health insurers, DAK has won the prize for “best customer service provider in Germany” in 2018.

360 Degree Health Protection – 360 HP

DAK has already established over 500 local service centres and a huge network of medical specialists throughout Germany in order to provide its customers with the best possible support. The insured person thus receives a 360-degree health protection for himself and his family members if they live with him. In addition, there are many special programs to cover pregnancy, child vaccinations, sports injury, etc. There also exists a 24/7 service hotline to provide all insured persons with professional and supportive help and answers to urgent medical and insurance questions.

New Service Partner in India - NSP - India

And finally, the best thing is, in order to extend their excellent service to “customers even before they sign the insurance contract”, DAK has decided to co-operate with a German service partner in India having more than 10 years of experience in India and which knows the mindset, idiosyncrasies and needs of the Indian people very well.

Boilerplate/About DAK:
DAK has already established over 500 local service centres and a huge network of medical specialists throughout Germany in order to provide its customers with the best possible support. 

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