Thursday, June 6, 2019

Bengaluru Rates Dell As the Most Trusted Brand Across India

Dell has been rated the most trusted brand in Bengaluru by TRA's Most Trusted Brands Report, 2019, which has listed the country's most trusted 1,000 brands based on a primary study with consumer influencers.

The 2nd most trusted brand is Amazon (All-India rank 4th) followed by Tanishq at 3rd. Titan, ranked 4th in the city (All-India rank 39th) is also a leader in the Category of Watches. The report has seven brands from the Super Category of Internet; 3 each from apparels, personal accessories and technology that make it to the list.

N Chandramouli, CEO, TRA Research said, "The internet-tech scenario and the entrepreneurial spirit in Bengaluru are booming. An evident shift can be seen from software-factory model to a startup mindset. To remain competitive in today’s economic landscape, brands have to keep innovating and nurture trust-relationships with its customers. Bengaluru remains ahead in this and can be evidently seen in the national listing in TRA’s Brand Trust Report 2019."

Dell is followed by Jeep in second position, which also becomes the Most Trusted Automobile Brand of India this year. LIC and Amazon are ranked 3rd and 4th and Apple iPhone is India’s 5th Most Trusted Brand.

The consistent brands from Bengaluru include Foodpanda (up 516 ranks from last year), Swiggy (up by 440 ranks), Big Basket (up 290 ranks), Bharti Axa (up 245 ranks), Café Coffee Day (up 119 ranks), and Canara Bank (up 119 ranks).

Seven brands from the city lost Brand Trust ranks with Wrangler leading the fall with 639 ranks down from last year, BPL down 526 ranks, Myntra eroding 289 ranks and Wipro slipping 219 ranks.

The study covered 2,315 consumer-influencers across 16 cities in India. Indian Statistical Institute is TRA’s statistical partner for the research.

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