Tuesday, November 24, 2015

1,000 UK Graduates to Be Trained By Tata Consultancy Services

India's largest software services firm Tata Consultancy Services said it has partnered British Council to train 1,000 university graduates in the UK at its Innovation Labs and software development centres.
The announcement comes during the UK visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Under the initiative, 1,000 British university graduates will have the opportunity to spend a year training and working for TCS at its Innovation Labs and software development centres across India between 2016 and 2020, TCS said in a statement.
The students will receive training in technical and commercial skills as well as digital and business skills.

Applications for the internships will open in the coming months, with the first cohort set to begin their roles in India in Summer 2016.
With employment opportunities in the UK IT sector set to grow at almost twice the UK average employment rate between now and 2020 according to the Tech Partnership, the Social Market Foundation has predicted that the country faces a shortfall in domestic supply of around 40,000 graduates in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics per year.

The TCS-British Council partnership aims to address this challenge by helping to foster the next generation of digital talent and provide British employers with the graduates they will need to succeed in the future, the statement added.

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