Monday, April 7, 2014

E-Governance: Easy, Efficient and Effective says BJP’s Manifesto

BJP believes that IT is a great enabler for empowerment, equity and efficiency. The NDA Government had made IT one of the major thrust areas. With the result, India is the IT capital for the whole world. But back home, the benefits of IT have not percolated down. This will be a high priority area for BJP that IT touches the lives of ordinary men and women. BJP has been known for good Governance and e- Governance will become the backbone for good Governance. BJP aims to nurture a Digital India - making every household and every individual digitally empowered.

Information Technology has made it possible to make information and services reach to the ordinary men and women even in remote areas, easily and effectively. Availability of information is the key to empowerment of the stakeholders. This also reduces the scope for discretion and manipulation.

BJP will:
* Focus on increasing the penetration and usage of broadband across the country. Deployment of broadband in every village would be a thrust area.
* Leverage technology for e-Governance and engage proactively with the people through social media for participative governance and effective public grievance redressal mechanism.
* Generate IT based jobs in rural and semi-urban areas.
* Make technology enabled products affordable for students.
* Use technology to reduce the burden of books on children. Make all institutions and schools e- enabled in a phased manner. Digital learning and training to be used extensively.
* Pursue a mission mode project under the 'National Rural Internet and Technology Mission' for use of telemedicine and mobile healthcare for rural healthcare delivery; use of IT for agriculture for real time information; Self Help Groups; retail trade and SMEs; and rural entrepreneurs, etc.
* Initiate a National e-Governance Plan to cover every Government office from the centre to the panchayats. The 'E-Gram, Vishwa Gram' scheme in Gujarat to be implemented nationwide.
* Promote e-Bhasha - National Mission for the promotion of IT in Indian Languages.
* Focus to bring SC/ST, OBCs and other weaker sections of the society within the ambit of IT enabled development.
* Deploy IT to protect India's priceless cultural and artistic heritage, which includes digitization of all archives and museology.
* Promote 'open source' and 'open standard' software.
* Mandate digitization of all government work to reduce corruption and delays.
* Set up High-speed digital highways to unite the nation.
* Use technology to reduce Transmission and distribution losses.
* Use mobile and e-Banking to ensure financial inclusion.

BJP aims to make every household digitally literate with a goal to make India the Global Knowledge hub, with IT being a major driver and engine of growth.

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