Saturday, January 31, 2009

Survey reports 38% recruiters anticipate new jobs in 2009

Thirty per cent of recruiters anticipated new jobs to be added in 2009 while 9.5 percent predicted layoffs, according to a recent survey.

Over 40 per cent recruiters in pharma, IT, ITes, retail, telecom, banking feel that there will be creation of new jobs in 2009, the survey, covering over 1500 recruiters and conducted by, a leading job website, said.

According to the survey, 37.8 percent expected replacement hiring while 14.3 percent expected freeze on recruitment procedure.The real estate industry expected a 16 percent layoffs in the sector in the coming months.

As per the survey, the overall job index fell from 776 in November to 697 in December 2008, a drop of 10 per cent in new jobs. Overall, it implied a 31 per cent decline in new jobs since July 2008.

City wise, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai and Kolkata witnessed a decline in new jobs. Most of the cities saw a decline in jobs, notably Delhi - NCR, registering a drop from 841 in November to 697 in Decmber.

Mumbai moved up marginally from 692 in November to 717 in December. Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Cochin, Baroda, where jobs grew or declined by a small margin, remained less affected.


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